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Pejorative Miscreant

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Everything posted by Pejorative Miscreant

  1. Reach for need is not going to happen with this regime. Sounds like the talking heads who called this a luxury pick.
  2. This makes the most sense to me. With the picks we have it is a good idea
  3. 4 Horsemen still rule. Dude is classic. Arn was my favorite though.
  4. Respectfully disagree. According to Huddlefact all will be gone by pick 12 or earlier.
  5. So we might draft a certain player. Or maybe not “I’m a playmaker. I can run the ball up the middle. I can run it outside. I can run the ball from the gun. I can do it all. I can catch the ball and make some plays; I’ve done it. … I think guys just automatically assume because I’m not 230 and I’m not straight bulldozing guys over that I’m not a strong runner, which is false. … I’m a special back, and I know I am.” Thats a lot to print on the back of his jersey.
  6. This thread is almost the equivalent to a statue in front of the ATM and Jennings has not even played a down. Damn impressive or sad depending on your view point
  7. Someone bumps the Jennings thread in 3, 2, .....
  8. Please use this thread for Bigfoot sightings as well. That way it can serve a dual purpose, both for useless information.
  9. Except in September Strong will be on the active roster of an NFl team and in the mix for a top 3 receiver on the depth chart. I see loads of opportunity in Hill but he needs to show something.
  10. I think in most cases it is not really plausible until round 3 as I think he will only do it if he has a grad on the player that is a round or so better than the current pick. Moving up 7 spots in the first is too costly.
  11. Tbh I don't know but ideally it would be either or for his career ( ideally) Interesting though there was another thread regarding positional rankings that had him as the 5th best LB and the 2nd best SS. He is an intriguing player for sure. Either position I think he makes us better.
  12. Shaq would be a good get. I just don't like the switching of positions. I think it hampered Davis's growth early in his career.
  13. You are under the false belief that these guys actually search and do homework. Drew Bree's is (was?) a better QB than Newton and he has two running backs. = Panthers irrelevant. Can't wait till we sweep the division.
  14. Exactly, still don't see him going crazy in free agency though.
  15. Yet I can't stop looking. The offseason is a finicky mistress.
  16. Don't know why but I am really liking Collins and hope he falls to us. Just seems like it will round out the defense somehow.
  17. Just like the soaps, man. Just like the soaps...
  18. In an unprecedented move, the NFL hands out 17 ROY trophies. All winners were 1st rounders between where we would have picked and did pick. Huddle explodes with popularity due to the negativity. Igo sells, takes the profits and opens a doughnut shop in Ballantyne.
  19. This is a pretty good analysis. I actually like both signings and don't think either will totally "flop" Martin will be a bit more under the radar here. That coupled with the bullying is old news and we have a strong group of mature plYers in the locker room could help get his head on straight which I believe is his biggest hold back from being a solid rotational guy. Oher has more risk I think. I think we just need him to be a solid stop gap.
  20. I am a State fan/graduate. Cotchery was pedestrian last year. He's had a farily good career but at this point he is a low rent version of Jennings and not really a viable starter. I would like to somehow see him on the roster if we dont sign a Vet because I think his presence helps the younger receivers and can situationally be a factor in making plays but he is/was a stop gap due to financial limitations.
  21. IMO there are a couple things that can happen: 1. A guy visits and when we are ready to draft he is available and is the BPA in which case we draft him. 2. A guy visits and when we are ready to draft someone else is the BPA in which case we don't draft him. C. ( I did that on purpose). A guy visits and when we are ready to draft and he would have been BPA but some other team has drafted him already so we have to take someone else. So no matter what happens we are either going to draft the guys that are visiting or we are going to draft someone else.
  22. Yes but nothing beats the close like a piping hot Egg Bo Biscuit. This is what ultimately seals the deal. Sure, he might wake up to unlimited breakfast possibilities this morning at the Ritz, but at the end of the day you gotta needa wanta getta hava Bojangles.
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