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Everything posted by DeadpoolPanther

  1. He called a pretty great game against KC except not running as much as I wanted, even saying that tho, Chuba still had one of the best rushing games against that defense this season. And it’s looking like benching Bryce was just what he needed.
  2. Good deal that could’ve been way worse. Kid is gonna be a beast.
  3. Heck of a stop. They couldn’t even afford to give up a fg there.
  4. Tough spot now for the def. Gotta get a stop.
  5. Let’s see if they can take a step and get it in the end zone.
  6. They gotta learn to just send XL to the corner and let him go up and get it. And don’t throw it in the stands.
  7. Needed a td there bad. Fgs ain’t gonna cut it.
  8. A td here would be huge in more than one way.
  9. That’s a surprisingly nice stand right there. Not sure they can hold up but that was good.
  10. This is gonna be rough but I’m ready.
  11. Idk about yards and carries and all that, but if he’s 100%, I expect him at least once or twice to show his potential. Kid is really good if he’s healthy.
  12. He has some in-game stuff to work on for sure but I like him. I think he’ll be good for us.
  13. Tbh 99% of every other team would’ve done the same thing. You get the ball in fg position and fg wins the game.
  14. Eh? Im happy as hell what are you talking about lol I’m celebrating.
  15. We have survived Daniel Jones and the Giants in overtime, my goodness.
  16. Oh I’m aware. Going to prevent like that was just depressing.
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