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Everything posted by tiger7_88

  1. The sad fact about CMC is he's almost *always* gonna be either a "little" or a "lot" injured.
  2. Considering both you and I are Cam fans (Cam "stans" as it were), it says a lot that you said this and that I agree. BUT (as you say) AT LEAST IT WOULD HAVE BEEN ENTERTAINING.
  3. You takes the $$$, you agrees to the situation. I'm sorry, I don't feel sorry for millionaires that make bad choices. I have WAY many more people who aren't millionaires that I can feel sorry for.
  4. “I know this pound of dust is pyrite but I’m going to pretend its gold because that makes me happy! And I demand you pretend that its gold too!” No, dude… its pyrite. And no matter what mental gymnastics you want to perform, it’s still gonna just be pyrite.
  5. In a passing league, Hurn-Dawg sho' loved him some damn RBs! lol
  6. Yeah, but the White Buffalo didn't take "years" to pay off.
  7. Ergo that is why I clearly stated (with no ambiguity) that owners are amazingly happy to take money from full-houses, but its more an IMAGE thing than a $$$ thing. Thanks for agreeing with me.
  8. Stadium could be flat empty every week and NFL owners are still raking $$$ in. Packed houses aren’t a money thing (though owners are glad to take the money), they’re an IMAGE thing.
  9. I’m old enough to remember those ol’ days where Cam Newton admitted to being a bad loser and hating losing and took poo from coast to coast (including in Charlotte) because of it.
  10. I’d trade Rhule to Indy for Reich, straight up. Hell, I’d even throw in a 5th rounder.
  11. Exactly. If he wasn't happy or satisfied with Rhule's roster control, he didn't have to accept the job or Tepper's money. Since he *did* accept the job and is currently depositing Tepper's sweet, sweet moolah in his bank account, that's a direct indication that he was and is FINE with Rhule maintaining complete roster control. You take the job, you take the money, guess what comes with it? The RESPONSIBILITY.
  12. Did he know that Rhule had full roster control when he accepted his current position? Yes? And, after accepting his current position and knowingly agreeing to Rhule's control over the roster, is he accepting those sweet, sweet Tepper paychecks? Yes? Then he is responsible as well.
  13. Talk to the millions and millions of idiots who keep electing the crooks because he or she is “their” crook.
  14. GT Real Estate sounds shady as frick. And 3/4 of a billion dollars in bonds/investments for… 150 jobs? WTF? In what world is that a good idea?
  15. So stastically, during the Rhule Regime, for the team to have a chance to win the defense has to hold the opposition to 2 TDs. In the NFL. Where they have structured every rule over the last 20 years to encourage passing and scoring as much as possible. CLOWN.
  16. Excitement! Yay! Please be sure to understand that, very soon, the proprieter of this establishment wiill be THE BIGGEST BAKER MAYFIELD FAN EVAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! And then use you own brain (if you can, which you probably can't since you're stupid) to try to figure out.... Why?
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