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Everything posted by tiger7_88

  1. Not 2019, but 2004… see New Orleans Saints/Gayle Benson.
  2. You do realize that this is boiler-player nonsense spouted by the recipients of settled largess in a lawsuit, right?
  3. He’s visiting Auburn this weekend and I hope the newly hired HC can make the sale. Auburn’s QB room after the previous 2 HC’s is beyond pathetic. McCall would slot in as an immediate starter easily.
  4. By the way, @The Huddleris an unfaithful cheater guys and gals. He loooooooves him some infidelity!
  5. OK bro, dude chose to wear the hair shirt IN PUBLIC cuz he forgot to take the garbage to the curb on garbage day. Understood.
  6. If you cheat, you ain’t a man. Sexually mature male? Yes. But not a man. If you don’t want to be with your Significant Other then FUGGING LEAVE and start again. The thing is, if he did, he’d just damage the next S.O. in the same way because once a cheater, always a cheater. In other words, fug off, simp.
  7. I fugging hate cheaters, man… HATE THEM. Anyone who doesn’t has never been on the receiving end of infidelity.
  8. He started off his time at Carolina with a HUGE lie on Day One.
  9. I can assure Fatt Fhule that Panthers fans would be faster to get to the Way-Back Machine to make that happen than he would.
  10. Auburn just dumped a a coach from outside the southeast without a clue as to how to compete and recruit in the SEC. It was an unmitigated disaster. That kind of disaster even got the AD who hired him a pink slip. Auburn doesn’t need to follow that up with yet another coach with zip, zilch, nada in their pocket concerning recruiting and relationships with high schools in the southeast.
  11. Yes at middle-tier colleges and lower. Head coaches at the major football universities see their families less and have to work harder than any NFL head coach.
  12. You’re trying to multiple zero by zero and come up with a positive number.
  13. So, just like his time at Carolina, it’s never Matt Rhule’s fault when his teams fail. OK.
  14. He was 0-11 vs. Top 25 teams while HC at Baylor.
  15. Absolutely 100% correct. The only possible reason to turn down an offer like that is if you already have a coach lined up and that coach runs a 3-4 on defense. If that isn't the case (and its not), you make the damn deal (if its true).
  16. Almost as if having professional NFL-level coaching and play-calling on the defense instead of Snow-level has been good for him. Personally, being one of the Auburn guys in this forum, I thought the “bust” guys in this forum were absolute jokes. I mean, under Rhule/Snow, what player on this squad *did* improve and play at an elite level? CMC maybe (though injured a lot)? Any other candidates I’m missing?
  17. I saw Little struggle for years against truly talented pass-rushers in the SEC which always made me a hard “no” on drafting him. His rep started as his being one of the most highly ranked recruits coming out of high school and, because of that, that reputation was fixed in some peoples minds in perpetuity.
  18. My dude, I hope you were drinkin’ quality stuff or you’re gonna have the mother of all hang-overs.
  19. Lets see how effective Brown’s pass rush and sack numbers are when he finally gets to play on a defense with a Mike Rucker-level DE on the right side and a Julius Peppers-level DE on the left. Not to mention a Charles Johnson-level DE as well.
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