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Everything posted by tiger7_88

  1. Indeed. Atlanta’s Big Benz Anus can open when needed.
  2. Class young man. Reminds me of somebody when it comes to owning accountability.
  3. lol, he wasn't even the best player on the defense today.
  4. But Burns *IS* under contract (rookie deal, 5th year option). He’s just refusing to play under that contract (if he continues his hold-out).
  5. If people didn’t realize MoRon Rivera was a cuck for his wife and daughter while he was coach here they weren’t paying attention.
  6. NOPE. You take the GM job understanding those conditions? You are responsible for the outcome of the choices. ”Oh no, it’s not my fault cuz I was a puppet!” is a much worse excuse than “Sorry, I made a bad evaluation and screwed up!” I’m sure you can (hopefully) see the clear difference.
  7. And MoRon and his close buddy Marty left things pretty damn bad.
  8. Well, the BOOK the movie was based on wasn’t a Michael Oher biography. It was a book about Oher *and* the Tuohy’s, the relationship between them, and the end result. The book also brilliantly covered the evolution of the LT position due to the advent of Lawrence Taylor (and his successors) in the NFL, but I don’t see Lawrence Taylor or all LT’s in the NFL, post-Taylor, suing the Tuohy’s. In fact, its a story as old as time. Big high school/college star enters the NFL, makes MILLIONS, but is merely an average-to-good NFL player. Players career ends (for whatever reason), player blows through his millions, and now needs more of that sweet sweet $$$ to maintain his life-style. Then chooses the most convenient, tastiest target. Oher told the family prior to this lawsuit that if they would just hand over $XX million dollars then he wouldn’t sue and drag their names through the mud. That proves that, in the end, its all about the Benjamins that Oher no longer has but longs for. The Tuohy’s should have left his fat-ass in the streets.
  9. Sooooooo easy to say and to say it sooooooooo flippantly. Brown DESTROYED pockets regularly and repeatedly in college while always being double-teamed and, on occasion, triple-teamed. Auburn had edge rushers in those years who FEASTED on those collapsed pockets. You don’t win SEC Defensive Player of the Year as an honorary, polite, going-away gift. Some of y’all are stretching those ligaments to the near-snapping point.
  10. Nope. Modern women just want their significant-others to do as their told. Darnold is the poster-boy for that.
  11. You didn’t say “many times” in the post to which he replied. You said he was getting blocked by one guy (and I quote) “all the time” which was farcical on its face.
  12. Vea and Ngata are TRUE nose tackles whereas Brown is a defensive tackle who CAN play NT (and at a high level) but it isn’t his natural position. And even then he’s been one of the two most (if not THE most) impactful players on the defense.
  13. Yeah, tell me something I didn’t know about run-run-PASS-PUNT Rivera from Year One until the tragic end. It was OBVIOUS that Rivera was a shitty coach only saved, year after year, by amazing talent at QB and LB saving his ass. Anyone still surprised by that at this point is a goddam idiot.
  14. This is coming from a hard-core Auburn fan and alum (whose son also fits both descriptions): I flippin’ love Bryce over Stroud and I hope that the Panthers make that choice.
  15. As you note, the best use of Brown in this defense is probably not on the nose. That being said, he lined up on the nose plenty against SEC competition while at Auburn (the DC moved him all along the DL for match-ups and unpredictability) and played the position at a high level, so he has the ability and (college) experience if needed.
  16. At least they’d all be quiet in the receivers room with all their jaws wired shut.
  17. Watta ya mean nothing left to play for? MoRon’s job security was ALWAYS a major point “to play for” so that Cam could take hit after hit after hit after hit after hit after hit after hit etc. et. al. ad nauseum.
  18. Steve Smith is an over-emoting, violent moron. My apologies to the #89 delusionists and apologists.
  19. Saw a stat on Bigsby (being an Auburn guy) that the average distance he rushed last season prior to the opposing defense making contact with him was 1/2 yard. Which means if you look at his statistics from last season, the VAST majority of his 2022 rushing yards were YAC. Auburn’s OL was *awful* last year.
  20. I would be happy to erase 2010 to now save for the fact of Cam and Luke carrying MoRon on their shoulders for years and years, covering up his idiocy.
  21. Weird. Not denying your own experience, but I’ve been in IT for over 30 years and have interviewed multiple times over those years and have *never* been interviewed by HR. Tech staff and tech management? Yes. HR? Nope. In each case, my first encounter with HR was only after I was offered AND subsequently accepted. Its been a while since I’ve interviewed though. I’ve been in my current position for a while. Maybe things are different now in our present-day woke utopia and cancel culture.
  22. Corrected above for accuracy. In the ledger books, he’s printing money hand over fist even with his losing franchise. So it is no way “expensive”.
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