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Ivan The Awesome

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Everything posted by Ivan The Awesome

  1. Former Panthers beat reporter, Jourdan Rodrigue, now covers the Rams for The Athletic and joined Julian Council to discuss the schemes, coaching styles, and personalities the trios are bringing to Carolina.
  2. From what I remember that staff he had in Indy wasn't of his choosing. So there's that.
  3. Interesting stuff. Figured some would appreciate something that isn't QB this, Coaching staff that. Etc.
  4. People have some revisionist history or something. Carr has had 4 different coaches and produced with an ass organization each and every time. He's a proven winner but hey, let the debbie downers talk themselves out of a good/great QB because "there's always next year."... smh. Also, do you all not realize that you're gonna have to pay for a QB one way or another? You're either going to win a bidding war with draft picks or money. If this regime wants to actually compete, they WILL get a QB either way. You're not going to have just Corral in the roster next year. The moves they have made do not scream "There's always next year." at all. Another thing, at this time, it would actually be CHEAPER to move up to get a QB than next year. This coaching staff is not going to have a 5 game winning season. You're looking at the Panthers drafting in the teens or the 20's. That means it will take more draft capital to go up next year. Something that I do not believe they will have as much as this year. They are primed to do it this year. Get it done. fug THEM PICKS. GET. YOUR. GUY. I'll go on record that if they don't draft Stroud then Carr is the next best thing.
  5. But the huddle tells me we should use picks to get one. So what is it then?
  6. What have you seen the past 8 years without a QB? fug the generational talk, just a god damn DECENT QB that will not run around with their heads cut off like a god damn chicken? Don't be putting words in my mouth homie, I don't think he's a generational talent. He is a talent. Just like Herbert, Allen, etc. You see the thing with you "fug the QB" position boys is that you love to throw around labels and accuse people of things that they'd never done while having their god damn heads in the sand thinking this QB situation is going to fuging fix itself if we "wait for next year". Is that the plan? Keep waiting? Not take a damn shot at a talent that isn't such a high risk like others but has a high ceiling nonetheless? That's a poverty way of thinking. I'm tired of this fuging fan base thinking that there's always next year. But hey, let's sulk and wait it out amirite? lol
  7. I get this type of attitude with the previous QBs we've had but Carr is being seriously underrated. I get it, most are tired of trading for other teams hand me down QB's. The thing is that when you mention going to get a QB like Stroud all of a sudden the price is too steep to pay. It's like.. You either want a QB or you don't. Can't have it both ways.
  8. This was from 2 years ago but is very relevant. Honestly I can't wait.
  9. Right? Imagine if this would have been done the first time around. We'd be running the south already. Good thing Tepper woke the fug up.
  10. Not sure if this was posted but great thread about Fangio concepts and Evero being a disciple what he will run.
  11. That's the thing tho, you won't need to trade up to get him, hell you could probably trade DOWN and still get him.
  12. Funny you mention the games we lost because Foreman was stopped by good Run Defenses. Incredible, some of you guys are just this ignorant. Also you named Cinci 2 times? Like Foreman creating a Running game AFTER CMC leaves isn't the reason we fuging almost got to the playoffs? How do you think Sam got to be productive? The passing game all of a sudden start working? Do you know the fundamentals of football? The Run game opens up the passing game. All of you mad at CMC being gone where the fug were you when he was injured and non existent this whole time? Now that he's fine in SF and with a coach that also knows how to utilize him all of a sudden you wanna cry over the trade. point blank period he wasn't doing jack poo here and that's why he was traded. This coaching staff could not use him correctly. Like for fugs sakes, USE YOUR DAMN BRAINS! smh.
  13. I think those CMC picks will help get the most important piece to this puzzle. The next QB. Unfortunately that's how this cookie had to crumble.
  14. Hate it for him, but he's a man's man. I wish him nothing but the best and I hope that he gets another HC opportunity.
  15. I think the point of the "RB aren't value positions" is being misconstrued. It's not that it isn't of value, it's that it's easy to replace. Foreman...for example. Replaced CMC and almost willed us to a playoff berth. You can get a decent back in the mid or late rounds or get someone off the street to perform well or better that expected. Hence why the value isn't as high as say a CB, QB, DE, LT, etc. The picks we got for CMC, no one else would have given up what the niners did. If there were other teams willing to give up all that, then you'd have a bidding war for CMC, which never happened.
  16. Where's the "undecided" option? I can't have a definitive choice here. I do not know.
  17. Chuck Pagano is in this segment and he has some really good insight on what Reich's process will be with the coaching staff.
  18. So I just read the news... Steichen is out. Mediocrity it is guys. Lock this thread up. lol
  19. Someone WILL trade for Carr, probably Indy. If we want whomever is left between Young and Stroud, we'll have to trade up at least to Indy.
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