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Posts posted by trueblade

  1. 2 minutes ago, Sir Purr said:

    I know how much some of you guys love pulling for losses to get dRaFt PiCkS!  When does Huddle tank season officially start? I'm new at this and want to be prepared, I may even buy jerseys of the opposing teams so I can really get into the spirit this year. Thanks in advance!

    Your pal,

    Sir Purr

    We have 1 pick in rounds 1-3.

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  2. It's the right move. If you want your team to be defense-forward, you need your whole team built around that. Run the ball, no turnovers, play good defense, and make just enough plays in the passing game to win. It's classic Rivera. It's classic Fox. It now seems like it's also classic Rhule/Snow.

    This philosophy can get you to 8-9 wins. On rare instance, your offense can get hot and make a bit of run, but it's a far more difficult way to try to win. Not only are the rules slanted toward offense, but as you've seen, there are just some phenomenal athletes on offense. Those guys are going to be beat perfect defense. Think about the TD that Horn gave up in Week 1 to Davis, or the TD that Thielen scored yesterday.

    (a small aside: its clear Rhule is a figurehead/motivator for Snow, but philosophically, Rhule's longtime mentor is the leader of the team).

    • Pie 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, 45catfan said:

    Did he play well or did he catch a break?  Why go around the edge when you can apply pressure straight up the gut?   I say we move Erving to LG, Moton to LT and Christensen to RT.    You can only continue to beat your head against the wall so many times before real damage is done.  Stop the freaking insanity!

    Moton looked awful on the left. 

    Erving to LG, and Christensen to LT. Keep Moton on the right.

    • Pie 4
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  4. 15 hours ago, @bonafidebanter said:

    This is after you spent all of your picks on defense in the previous draft. How is that working out right now. When you load up on defense and neglect other areas of the squad, you better hope your defense can actually win some games for you. That isn't happening right now especially with C-Mac out. Not a good look on Fit's part.

    Fitt wasn't the GM when we went all defense in the draft. His one draft was about evenly split between offense and defense 

  5. 3 minutes ago, SBBlue said:

    All games are must win.  If you are talking playoffs hopes, which is looking like a stretch now,  10 wins are normally enough to reach the playoffs.

    The easy path is to win these 7: 
    Vikings, @ Giants,  @ Atl, Atl WFT, @ Dolphins, Pats

    For every game we lose in the easier batch, we have to win one of these:
     @ Cards, @ Bills, @ Saints, @ Bucs, Bucs 
    In reality, if we can't win any in the hard batch, we'll be one and done in the playoffs anyway.


    Just @Giants,  @Atl, Atl, WFT, @Dolphins, Pats get us to 9 wins which was a reasonable (even optimistic) expectations going into the season.

    • Pie 2
  6. 2 minutes ago, Whatev said:

    Did you watch the Ravens game last night?  Where they talked about that one player that has played everything from safety, to cb, to either end, and LB?  Yes, a top tier CB in that position can garner top money, but you give me that Ravens kid?  I'll take 4-5 of them all day.  

    Ideally, that's how we'd used Chinn.

  7. 19 hours ago, Mr. Scot said:

    Now in the past, we've tossed it short to  Anderson and let him run with it. I'd like to see more of that again. Keep him as a field stretcher for sure, but get him the ball more short as well and let him run with it. We do that with DJ Moore and we've done it with McCaffrey. Why not more with Anderson as well? I'd say it's worth a shot.

    When teams commit to taking away Tyreek Hill deep, Andy calls drag routes for him to catch and run. Brady could do something similar for Anderson. Maybe he is but the line isn't allow for that either, I don't know.

  8. 1 hour ago, SCO96 said:

    Here's the scary thing, that kid isn't even 25 yet! He's only going to get better throwing the ball.

    His play will fall off not long after he turns thirty if he doesn't radically change his play style. Hopefully he can get a chip before then.

  9. 49 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Nah, if you don't think Sam is the answer and you think there's a guy available on the clock who can be, you take him. You don't have the luxury of picking up your franchise QB at your convenience. You gotta jump when the opportunity presents itself.

    I'm more worried about their evaluation process. They said yes to Teddy, and then yes to Sam. They looked at Fields and Jones and said no. 

    • Pie 1
  10. I mentioned in another thread that I'm curious what we do defensively. We're primarily a man to man team, but that doesn't typically play well against a quarterback as mobile as Hurts is.

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