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Posts posted by trueblade

  1. I'm really happy for PJ. The guy came out and made the most of his opportunities. But you hold your breath every time the ball goes down field with him. He threw one pick, really should have had a second but the defender bobbled the ball. 

    The offense we ran with PJ against the Cardinals was eerily similar to the one we ran the first three weeks with Sam Darnold. 10 of PJ's 22 completions were dump offs to CMC. CMC had 23 touches (and he would have had more had the game been closer) That game plan got us to 3-0, including a win over the Saints. It also got CMC to IR. 

    In many ways, I see a lot of similarities between this Arizona game and the Saints game earlier. We beat a good, but depleted team with an offensive game plan that isn't sustainable. If PJ is asked to start for too long, my concern is we'll start seeing multiple turnover games from him. But that's true for a lot of backup level QBs in the NFL.

  2. 3 minutes ago, onmyown said:

    it’s definitely refreshing, just tired of throwing away resources without seeing anything

    we have cam for the rest of the year, zero harm in waiting for more than a couple plays against a AZ team with zero qb and zero wr, despite how great those plays were

    Neither Kyler nor Hopkins played last week and they handled San Fran pretty well.

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  3. 6 minutes ago, Paa Langfart said:

    This is how fuged up our teams ownership/management is.

    Right now we are paying Cam's replacement ( TB),  paying Cam's replacement's replacement ( SD),  and paying Cam himself to replace his replacement's replacement.  It would be laughable if it wasn't so friggin infuriating as to how incompetent this team is.

    I mean you could at least include the tweet you copied...



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