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Posts posted by trueblade

  1. 7 hours ago, Khyber53 said:


    And we aren't getting that draft pick back either.

    Not that I necessarily agree with them, but I would remind you that in Rhule and Fitterer's mind, we already have those picks back.

    This is from during the draft:

    We came into the day thinking we were going to get two players and we got three, and we picked up a four next year, so basically the Sam Darnold trade is paid off now," Rhule said. "So we got three players we really liked, but we've also paid off that trade."


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  2. 34 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Let me get this straight. You want this crew... to take flyers... on QBs???

    Yeah, lemme go ahead and tell you how that's gonna work out.

    See: Bridgewater, Teddy and Darnold, Sam.

    When this crew goes rummaging around on the QB clearance aisle, they come home with pure tee poo.

    I get the reluctance, but we need a better transition plan this go around. Like this past draft, we could have taken a flyer on Davis Mills, Ian Book, or Sam Ehlinger. If they work out, great. We've got our backup QB/heir apparent. If they don't work out, try again next year.

  3. 4 minutes ago, joemac said:

    Yup.  If Cam shows that hes a serviceable starter for the remainder of this season, its almost a no-brainer to lock him up for the next 2 or 3 years at least.  Then, we would at least have our QB problem solved for the next few years.  This would allow us to build out the o-line and retain most of our key players who are due up for deals soon.  Having a Cam Newton playing at a high level could also be attractive for free agents out there.  

    We can start taking flyers on 3rd and later QBs to see if we can hit on one to have ready by the time Cam is ready to retire. It's a great situation.

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  4. 8 minutes ago, Darknight said:

    If that's the case, how come Tepper didn't step in the first time when Rhule released Cam?

    The first time Rhule didn't have a track record. Tepper was willing to let Rhule make the calls, and woudl evaluate him on the results. Even as late as the draft, Tepper was still willing to sit back and let Rhule make his decisions at QB. Rhule then passed on Jones and Fields. Tepper reportedly wanted Fields, who has been up and down, but still, even as a rookie, looks better than Darnold.

    At the halfway point of the season, it's clear to everyone that Rhule made the wrong decisions at QB. Tepper could of basically said "I let you try it your way, and it didn't work out. Now we're gonna try it my way."

  5. 11 minutes ago, Darknight said:


    I also disagree that Tepper made Rhule reach out to Cam.

    I'm curious about this. I would think in the circumstance of picking up a Free Agent QB, the normal procedure would be for the GM to call the agent. But that's not what happened here. We know from Cam's press conference he wasn't expecting the call. If Fitt had called his agent first, I feel confident his agent would have told Cam. Instead, we have Rhule making the first contact. Maybe because Rhule and Cam had some things to work out about his departure [edit: meaning Cam's original departure from the team]? 

    I don't know if Tepper made Rhule reach out to Cam, but it seems clear that Rhule and Cam had something to work out.

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  6. 5 minutes ago, BlitzMonster said:

    Twitter is good for one or two line reports on contracts, trades or rumors.  It's the place to get breaking news.  But with only 280 characters there's obviously no in-depth analysis or longer articles there.   You need other, news-oriented sites to fulfill that kind of role.  That's what ESPN, Sports Illustrated, Yahoo Sports, CBS Sports, etc are for.  

    There are some guys who post good film breakdowns to Twitter sometimes. Baldy's stuff is usually on there.

    • Pie 1
  7. 8 minutes ago, pantherclaw said:

    We still don't know if his shoulder will hold up. His age has nothing to do with his shoulder. 

    Cam played 15 games for the Patriots. These were his stats in his final regular season game after 15 games of wear and tear on the shoulder.

    Cam went 21-30 for 242 yards, 3 TD’s, 0 picks / 11 rushes, 79 yards / 1 reception, 19 yards, 1 TD

    He was also New England's leading rusher that day.

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  8. 12 minutes ago, Liminy said:

    I am so jealous of anyone who gets to go to the game. I would lose my mind if I could be there.

    My friend and his wife got tickets to the Genesis concert and since they were going to be in town, they decided to get tickets to the game. Got them dirt cheap a few weeks ago.

    I'm so jelly.

  9. Said this in another thread, but it seem relevant here.

    The offense we ran against the Cardinals was eerily similar to the one we ran the first three weeks. 10 of PJ's 22 completions were dump offs to CMC. CMC had 23 touches (and he would have had more had the game been closer) That game plan got us to 3-0, including a win over the Saints. It also got CMC to IR. 

    In a lot of ways, yesterday reminded me of that Saints game. We beat a really good, but somewhat injury depleted team. 

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