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About bigpoppa

  • Birthday 06/16/1975

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  1. And we have the most to drink about, smh.
  2. Jaguars and Panthers are on the same tier. If anything they steal it in our favor to get a bigger AFC team in the playoffs
  3. This team would probably lose half the games where the defense holds the opponent to 0 points.
  4. We are part of the reason it is historically bad. The logic is the same for all the other teams. 75% of the teams in the NFC South won't capitalize on this historically bad NFC South.
  5. Facebook just popped up a picture I took with my son 8 years ago today when we went to the Thanksgiving game here in Dallas. We sat in the endzone Luke ran back that pick 6 into. Even got out of Thanksgiving with my in laws. It was such a great day. I fear it will be at least another 8 years before I can feel that good about this team again. Sigh.
  6. But if we just flip the image upside down...
  7. I'm no expert, but aren't the guys in black supposed to be on the other side of the guys in white???
  8. Dogs on #19 even on the long catch he had. Basically sounds like a huddler talking about our LT. Good stuff at the end about Bryce. If he lives long enough to get an OL we might have a QB on our hands.
  9. Miles Sanders though. I've seen traffic cones on the highway put up more of a fight.
  10. We would have to lose 2 more superbowls to know what it's like to be a Bill's fan
  11. We will have a very valuable 2nd round pick to trade next year!!
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