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About beckersteen

  • Birthday 07/28/1988

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  1. I meant to say XL was the reason we lost. I used "scapegoat" incorrectly.
  2. he doesn't deserve snaps next game at all
  3. offsides on a missed extra point lmao fuging kill me
  4. Running on 3rd and long when already in field goal range...
  5. defenseless receiver??? that gets called on us 100% of the time.
  6. should be 23-10 right now good lord why are we so aggravating to watch?
  7. There is a long list of things to criticize before getting to Dalton.
  8. People are playing too much madden thinking it is going to translate to the NFL.
  9. Give him an ice cream and a game boy, little buddy will be ok
  10. I'm not above laughing at dumbasses who speak on things they know nothing about.
  11. OK, but when have we ever shown the desire to keep our own drafted talent? It's just a weird message to attach to this after trading away CMC, DJ Moore, Burns, Donte Jackson and letting YGM and Jeremy Chinn walk. I guess we still have Ian Thomas lol!
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