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Everything posted by CPF4LIFE

  1. Me personally, i dont think Bryce would be Reichs top choice. And if he doesnt work out its gonna be a poo storm because the HC wasnt fully committed. This happens all the time.
  2. Well they are the Texans, doing the smart thing isnt common over there.
  3. I can see the defenders doing the rock a baby gesture after they sack him in the league.
  4. I wouldnt call the line elite at all and 2 starters wont even be ready to start the season and its up in the air if they will even be the same players when they come back. Better hope it works out that way.
  5. I would like for him to make it threw the whole season healthy. I dont think 7 games will say too much as im looking at from a standpoint of how much punishment can he take before getting a injury. I dont think he gonna take one hit and get hurt significantly that quick.
  6. Actually, 7 years in he would prove me wrong about the durability concerns. Well past it, 7 years he would be on a second contract.
  7. "As long as he is protected by an elite offensive line". That hasnt been the case here in a long time, and every QB since tepper got here has been injured.
  8. And that is the key word to look for in all of these post.
  9. I didnt know Trey Lance was being compared to Allen....news to me. But anyway, yeah it may be a outlier and i dont think it can be a norm. Obviously, the guy you are looking at needs to have the similar traits for it to be possible. Im just noting what teams might be thinking.
  10. I think some people are underestimating how much Josh Allens rise has had an effect on the league. Every team wants to find the next guy like that. A qb with maxed out physical traits/ability thats able to harness everything together. Now you have a powerhouse of a QB that does it all....AR screams that more than anybody. Any team that needs a QB is going to consider him, and not just briefly....hard look.
  11. I have been thinking about Youngs ceiling a lot, what it is and how long will take him to reach it. One thing i ponder is, IF Stroud and Richardson for example fix their flaws and reach their potential like everybody thinks in the next couple years is Bryce Young still a better QB? What does he have within him that he hasnt unlocked already? Remember it only took one off season for guys like lamar Jackson, jalen hurts, Josh allen to take a jump and it was a Big one. If you project that on to Stroud and AR MAYBE levis.....i think they catch bryce then leave him behind. Maybe that's what the staff is thinking if they really are considering somebody like Richardson.
  12. I have watched him get a running start to make deep throws, make throws on his tippy toes, and throw off his back foot a lot. He doesnt have a weak arm, but to say he is on the level of others when its clearly no way effortless for him is just crazy. The proof is right there in the film.
  13. Guy has a lot of gut feelings... needs to go get that checked out.
  14. And another with Young is that with someone with not ideal arm strength for a top pick he throws off his back foot A LOT. Remember Cam got destroyed for doing that when he first got here even with an elite arm. You dont hear it nowhere near as much about bryce.
  15. Interesting to know if those throws were in 2021 or last season because when people post them its always the season before the last. Personally, i have been closely paying attention to how he threw after he banged up his shoulder because there was some struggle at first.
  16. This is a lie. This makes it sound like Stroud is a raw prospect or somethin. There is no way in hell.
  17. Imma be honest.... im at the point where i got AR over young when it comes between the 2 of them. I would be betting on AR having a Josh Allen type development.
  18. Can we just start moving predictions all to one thread. Dont matter who its for.
  19. Its insane that it isnt even being talked about enough.
  20. Panthers meeting with AR for 2 days https://twitter.com/CameronWolfe/status/1644368689372725250?t=tkNQTHwXJDIo_yKqDLjt5Q&s=19
  21. LOL....if you are that confident, im sure you have already put money on the pick. You would make a lot money then. Lol
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