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Everything posted by CPF4LIFE

  1. AR converted a big third down and its called back.
  2. Also, it was put out there that they had no legitimate backup so they couldn't afford him to get hurt. They didnt want him running.
  3. Same here, i have been saying this since pre season. Give me a big play, big run, hit a deep ball...something.
  4. Strouds been running for his life for 2 weeks now but he has handled it pretty well for somebody that was labeled a statue.
  5. Be nice to see what that plan is eventually
  6. Big play by stroud, texans trying to make this a game.
  7. AR is reminding me a lot of Cams rookie year. Just the untapped potential, excitement and incredible plays. Wasn't really bout the wins just the hope.


    I dont know what the deal is with calling out Mingo, he is 5 minutes into his nfl career...what was expecting to see this early?
  9. There were people on here telling me the other week chinn was the most important player on D, even more than burns. This why i dont bother to engage in arguments.
  10. Owns that guy. Common theme at this point.
  11. Sucks but now it will be easier to insert zavala at LG once Corbett comes back.
  12. Well you might want to go back and check some threads after the draft because thats exactly what it was on here. A lot of people on here claimed he was already the best qb in the division, of course any smart person saw the narratives changing the closer we got to the season. But the main thing was bryce was the most pro ready, hell even generational, and coming into a better situation then the other rookie qbs and most rookie qbs in nfl history. Now that aint the case no more apparently, it changed real fast.
  13. I said leading up to the draft that Bryce decision making wasnt as good as everybody said. Too many times he is locking on to one guy or even when he makes play himself a lot of times he has somebody else wide open beforehand that he just doesn't see for whatever reason even when he is looking in that direction. The game Sunday did nothing to change that opinion and it wont be any easier next week. He has a lot to work on if he gonna be a top qb in the pros.
  14. Im trying to understand when the wide receiving core wasnt gonna be sub par. Was it during camp or right after we signed these guys? They were never anything special, and to think chark is gonna be some type of huge difference maker is just wishful thinking at this point. They put really young receivers with no experience and older vets with injury concerns around bryce while trading away the best receiver they had. This was always gonna be trial by fire type thing. Also, these guys were all drafted high and need to play. Better to get the developmental & experience together to determine if they are valuable instead of writing them off as just sucking to excuse bryce. They will learn together and fail together. Im not entertaining the notions about not having some elite WR when we spent 2 2nd rounders on receivers in 2 years. Thats the route we took, so work it out.
  15. Of course they didnt. But you never do when you are grasping at anything.
  16. Bryce seemed to have his eyes closed when he threw those picks to the same guy.
  17. Beating down Seattle then the cardinals the next week in BoA 2015 season was hands down better than that.
  18. They just hate the guy and put every failure on him like its not 10 other guys on that defense. Burns was supposed to have 6 sacks and 20 tackles today to avoid in scrutiny.
  19. I mean a big talking point for drafting this guy was that he was able to perform well with hardly anything around him. Now he needs weapons everywhere to succeed, if you the number 1 pick i expect to see some sort of ability to elevate everybody around you. Not this " i cant judge him until he has all weapons around him" stuff. Dont care to hear that, I mean that started before we even got to game 1. Its not even necessarily about winning when it comes to that, just show why you were drafted at that spot in these games with what you have around you. Like someone else said, didnt see one elite caliber play today. Maybe next week.
  20. AR got hurt trying to will his team in final minutes for a comeback running the ball inside the 10. He didnt go back in the game cuz it was pretty much over with after the next play.
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