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Everything posted by CPF4LIFE

  1. Definitely garbage time. Its the receivers tho, not him... i mean look at the incredible stats they put up last year. Lol
  2. My thing is, if it was already understood he needed to add strength why wasnt he already trying to improve strength and conditioning at Alabama? He honestly looks like he hates the weight room to me.
  3. Its a fact that most folks get it wrong sometimes and im my opinion this was one of them.
  4. Yes, he hasn't been just bad.... its historically bad. Which i didn't even expect.
  5. Go back and check the receipts, plenty of people were saying that here and other places. Even evaluators said it, i understood that even with Bryce playing at Alabama he had a better team around him than most of the teams they played. Also, i always thought stroud was the best pure pocket pass out the bunch. One of Bryce's issues is he tries to improvise when he doesn't need too.
  6. Picking up that 5th year option without Darnold even taking a snap first was the first bloody red flag for me.
  7. Which is funny because the premise for drafting was the fact that he did more with less compared to Stroud. Stroud was knocked for having too much, now its shifted in the league.
  8. Stroud faced a team with a MVP QB and a roster built to compete for a championship in his first game which nobody expected texans to win. Falcons were a inexperienced team people on here said sucked and had a worst QB and roster than the guy we just drafted all off season. The excuses only come after a loss.
  9. Because a lot of times that still isnt enough. It's really hard to keep that magic from the previous season most of the time, nfl really is not for long.
  10. He is the most sacked/hit Qb in the league currently. Nothing but backups on that O line and receivers who couldn't even get over 500 yards last.
  11. But he had damn 200 yds on 17-25 attempts at the start of the 4th so what sense does this even make? The rest of the yards came from them trying to mount a comeback in the 4th. Maybe because i dont know...you play to win if there is still plenty of time on the clock and colts had there backup QB in and built that lead off texans defense and o line just being terrible. But keep up the gymnastics tho. Lol
  12. Fair enough. But we have to understand, GMs build the roster and coaches coach the roster to wins. The team philosophy is based off the coach. We saw under more than 1 GM that we were never gonna win anything under Ron Rivera as coach. Hurney gave the guy 2 mvp HOFs on both sides of the ball and he only produced 3 winning seasons. The losing seasons cant be all on him.
  13. He had jameson Williams 2 years ago, last year it wasn't the same. Last year he couldnt hit guys in stride, all his deep passes were flat or had no velocity, receivers had to slow down or stop on routes to catch them....he even threw some flat out ducks. I pointed this out during the draft process but of course most people are only gonna pay attention to the result.
  14. If Dalton has anywhere near a good game poo is gonna hit the fan hard.
  15. The most pro ready rookie aint ready.
  16. Of course he doesn't, he was cosigning everything about this mess all off season like others. Nobody want to be wrong.
  17. Hurney drafted: Travelle wharton, Richard marshall, Charles Johnson Ryan kalil, Cap munnerlyn, Greg hardy, josh Norman, frank Alexander, donte jackson, marquis haynes, Jermaine carter all after the first round. Fitt hasnt come close to do anything similar and gettleman wasnt no better.
  18. They were calling stroud a bust after he threw a interception in his first pre season game. Tables turn tremendously.
  19. Why is this picture so funny yet sad at the same time?
  20. I think the only thing thats gonna keep me locked in this year is if Dalton plays well to help when games. Im not doing this again this year, i will find something else to do with my time.
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