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Everything posted by CPF4LIFE

  1. Not like we have anything better to talk about lol
  2. I mean he is right, its just what i said. If tepper wants to get a hot name coach in here he better be prepared to back the fug off. If not, it will be rhule or reich all over again.
  3. Hire the damn GM first then pick the HC. For the love gawd follow a normal process this time
  4. Levis is looking like the real deal. I remember when everyone was shitting on him during the pre draft process. But that athleticism and arm strength just made me think if he cleans some things up he would be okay. He has been way better than that.
  5. Completely false, that is between chuba and Moton.
  6. Clearly you are not got at detecting sarcasm and havent been paying attention to a lot of my post.
  7. 3 starting o lineman graded well? all you PFF lovers that cant be right can it??
  8. Is it crazy to think the best qb in the south has been sitting on our bench all season??
  9. Putting thomas brown on the grill after crying about him to take over the playcalling the first couple weeks is nasty work lol
  10. Like i said i doubt that happens but if it does. be prepared for another Rhule or Reich type situation. It was just mean Tepper hasnt learned anything and will continue to rot in the pits.
  11. Because The difference will be a whole new staff that did not scout or draft bryce. Thats always a factor no matter what people say, Tepper cant just force a new staff to handcuff themselves to bryce. New coaches will get to evaluate players as they see fit. The competition will be brought in by the new staff, no way they will just bring them in to stand in bryces shadow. They will play if necessary. If this isn't the case then Tepper can forget about bringing in the coach he really wants.
  12. I said months ago they atleast need to bring in legitimate competition. Now more people are coming around to it.
  13. Its not even necessarily that for me, its the fact that he didnt want to perform next to the guys that were also in the running as top QBs to justify his status. It was a clear business move by him or his reps to protects his stock because he was gonna look inferior next to them. If they were all willing to perform then bryce should have stepped up himself and did it as well despite advice. It would have atleast spoke volumes to me about his competitive drive and confidence.
  14. And when he had time he sailed balls over receivers heads. Never gonna make a point with this crap, this was just a great defensive playcall. Half the defenders in the backfield...Every team has busted plays like this, selling plays like this like its the norm is just lazy and misguided.
  15. You cant blame the line for his footwork if he has NEVER HAD good footwork.
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