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Everything posted by CPF4LIFE

  1. And if he plays well so be it. Its all about consistency.
  2. The packers gave up 500 freakin yds last week to the Bucs. They are also a bad to mediocre team, would it be bad if the people on the fence would like to see some consistency before we go back to making declarations about who is going to the HoF?
  3. We lost lol...i have never seen a moral victory train like this in my life.
  4. He is still missing wide open receivers with time to throw and they are blaming the o line anyway. That needs to stop. The accountability just needs to go all around.
  5. Wasnt it the environment last week? Is Dj chark still a terrible receiver? Im confused, yall love to flip flop with the excuses. And where the hell you been the last couple weeks with all the shitty performances? You lucky this is even worth a response lol
  6. Yeah okay....here is the thing Andy dalton had to do that on the road in a hostile environment where the crowd effected the game with penalties. Show me the game where bryce has had to do anything close to that on the road where is its tough? Bryce has only looked competent at home in am empty stadium. Dont worry, I will wait.
  7. I remember when andy dalton couldn't get credit for throwing on a bad Seattle secondary....but i guess we can't go there.
  8. Now that was a good drive that led to a TD. The question is can we see more???
  9. When Cam was playing out of his mind. Rivera owes everything to Cam.
  10. Tomlin would be atleast Wilks times x10
  11. LMAOOOOOOO....thanks, i needed that laugh.
  12. If he pans out to only a game manager you realize thats still a massive failure right??
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