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Everything posted by CPF4LIFE

  1. Imma say this, this is just more pressure on bryce to get his poo together soon before penix is ready because I do like him.
  2. Falcons could have took the top defensive player in the draft and they passed for a qb that will sit....
  3. Well that's too bad, mine has been messed up since we picked bryce.
  4. Anything is possible, but it's hard to see at this point if we are bringing in new blood in this draft.
  5. LSU putting out all these good receivers and the one we get doesn't live up. Can't catch a break
  6. Joe Alt is a big dude man. Cot damn
  7. One of my favorite times of the year, Cant wait to see who we draft tonight.....oh wait.
  8. Drake Mayes game getting picked apart but not Bryce is crazy stuff.
  9. Do we need to be disappointed even more?
  10. Still havent gotten feedback on what he would be worth in a trade right now.
  11. From what im seeing the first 3 picks will be QBs, so hey the more qbs go in the first the more players will be available to us.
  12. His passes still look like soft lobs, which looks okay with no defenders. The actual games are different story.
  13. Get WR out the way first unless another position with a first round talent falls.
  14. Now, Now, Now....you know you are asking for too much from a number 1 overall pick who hasnt lived up to his status. Figure i would let you know that before the usual suspects did.
  15. Can he just grow outright? Not even worried about that leadership part
  16. What else are they supposed to say??? Canales also said he has no attachment to any of these players so if bryce flames out again it's no gonna be on him.
  17. Well he was definitely the smallest guy on the court and im not even joking about that.
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