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Everything posted by CPF4LIFE

  1. Yeah because Cams got to be ready for those unblocked linemen coming thru to get him. GTFOH clown.
  2. LOL That long ass play and we still get a call on us. fug my life
  3. Why the fug was Lafell just standing there? Why didnt he try to move back towards the middle and get open???
  4. There is absolutely NO reason to resign Lafell. Imma just think you dont know much about football if you say there is.
  5. I swear those dropped passes are like a depression to me, they are so stomach wrenching. Its down right pityful that Ted Ginn has been are best receiver so far this year and thats not a knock on him it just shouldnt be that way.
  6. Arizona is playing pass all the way gotta get Cam moving.
  7. I dont like the way this game is going, it looks like another close game with a bull poo call towards the end that will cost us the game.
  8. How the fug do you blow the whistle once he gets away??
  9. Cam just needs to start tacking off in those blitz situations. He is trusting his receivers right now to get open. Got keep the chains moving tho at all cost.
  10. ARZ killed us with those delayed blitzes 2 years ago when we last played them.
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