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Everything posted by CPF4LIFE

  1. Whats up Indy??? All that fire power and they have barely scored so far in the pre season
  2. I give a good grade on that drive even tho we didnt score, we moved the ball. Regular season you let Cam punch that in. You dont let him do that during pre season tho. Not having KB or Funch really sets us back right now so the errors are justified for now.
  3. I was nervous that whole play, really would like to save that for regular season, screw getting everybody excited.
  4. Yeah lets just challenge one of the best D lines 3 times in a row.
  5. Too many damn drops tonight, i really hope getting Funch back will change this if we are not gonna pick anybody up.
  6. Its pretty much time to get the first team D outta there now, whats the point of sending them back out there?
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