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Everything posted by CPF4LIFE

  1. If you really think there wont be any panic and backlash if sam is not anywhere near above average this year i dont know what tell you. It will be no different than last year, i like things about this staff but they are showing they cant be trusted quite yet with the way they handled the season and teddy. You would think people around here would be smarter than that.
  2. I was done with ron and his staff when there was no changes made to the team after the superbowl trip.
  3. Agreed, Fitt has been here 5 minutes. How does that look if Tep is already stepping over him on the decision making? I wouldn't expect him to overrule Fitt on drafting a unknown rookie. Deshaun Watson is a different story. This should be common sense.
  4. I would love it if Moore took the job from paradis and brown grabbed one of the guards spots. And of course Christensen should get LT or that pick looks bad.
  5. If its the opposite then the failure looks a whole lot worse. Even if Horn is good and Fields is good it still looks bad because QB > CB any day of the week. Its going to come down to whether Darnold was worth it or not.
  6. Because this staff thinks they can turn shitty turds into gold bars. And its happening again with Darnold.
  7. Sucks to have to face the wrath of Spida burns, derrick brown, and Hassan Reddick in your first game.
  8. Nothing against short but we dont need another DT. The D line is stacked right now.
  9. Since they treating him like a rookie is he gonna be at rookie camp?
  10. People can poo this thread all they want but the REALITY is there is some truth to this. Tepper liked fields and the staff convinced themselves and him he wasnt worth it over Sam Darnold. Personally, i really hope sam Darnold is worth the gamble but if he shows that his poor plays wasnt all on his atmosphere in NY and Fields turns the Bears around this is gonna hang clouds over us for a long time. Like i said for the success of the team i hope thats not case.
  11. It is different, but time will only tell if he is actually right. Thats all.
  12. They need to pay moton, he is a top tackle in the league..no just a right tackle but a TOP tackle and the only sure thing they have on that line at the moment.
  13. His ability to cover receivers is gonna do wonders for the defense. Believe that, this defense will have elements that not even Rivera defenses had. I think the pressure is on snow to get the most out of all the talent he has been given.
  14. Above average, gonna have some ups and downs like all rookies. Will be better later in the year than the beginning if im projecting.
  15. Marshall is more than likely a role player this year with a more significant impact next year.
  16. Not against Chinn at FS, long as he shows he can handle the mental aspects of the position he should be fine.
  17. I mean there were some people on here that questioning some of the picks and were labeled "overreacting" so this isnt surprising people in the actually draft room felt the same. "Calculated risks" is the perfect label for this just draft, there was a clear area of huge need or needs on the roster that this draft would have fixed but they chose to go a alternate direction. It is what is, but if this backfires you best believe its gonna be sparks flying around within that staff regarding Fitt.
  18. I dont want him there either, but he was definitely on the field at that position last year and it seems like he is a part of the team plans.
  19. Im still high on Kenny Robinson and would like to see him get a shot. Right now it's probably Burris if i had to guess.
  20. Are you that upset with my opinion that you gotta respond to everything i say? You and certain other people have done nothing but slobbed every single move we have made this weekend. Jeez...i get it you want this new GM to be PERFECT so bad and you gotta challenge anybody that disagrees with the moves he makes. I actually havent even been critical of anything he has done till yesterday and i have gotten more replies then i normally ever get on here. So i can actually tell you at the same time to RELAX, he isnt perfect and not gonna be... but there is nothing wrong with stating disagreements with the moves he makes and it's far from time to be challenging anybodys critique of him as i already stated i disagree but we still gotta see what happens when the season starts. So you chill and i will do the same till its time to play football.
  21. Panthers really out here drafting LONG SNAPPERS over quality positions... i mean got damn is all the guys on their board already gone or something? Just grasping at anything now.
  22. Hold on second....i had no idea Rodarius Williams was still available and we took a guy who was projected as a UFA.
  23. Finally....a guard. I would have preferred trey smith but maybe brown will pan out. He didnt look that good at the senior bowl. If trey still available tho, grab him too.
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