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Everything posted by CPF4LIFE

  1. Fitt plans to fix the o line by getting worse. Darnold aint russel wilson. He wont survive long.
  2. Exactly. All this jumping the gun is ridiculous till we see results on the field.
  3. They are trying to justify those horrendous contracts they gave Erving and eflein. They will pretty much have to play like complete garbage to get pulled off the field...it sucks because that does darnold no favors.
  4. I still laugh at people arguing with me in the draft thread over questioning that pick.
  5. Efl and paradis almost got sam killed last night and Erving gave up a sack against second stringers.
  6. Clearly a lot of people in this forum live in another reality. Thats why i dont waste time with debates like these.
  7. Second /third stringers in one half. Last night was positive but still a lot left to be determined. Im not about to sit here and assume darnold is gonna light up every team consistently. That's foolish. He showed good things tho.
  8. Tepper didn't look that happy last night with the offense. I think we stick with darnold right now but your lying to yourself if you think darnold doesnt have that much room for error. That pressure is gonna make or break him. Im not ruling anything out.
  9. The chiefs are starting creed Humphrey and trey smith. I see no damn reason why Christensen and brown shouldn't be out there.
  10. Brown and Christensen are legit. This shouldn't even be a debate anymore.
  11. Tepper doesnt seem that pleased...probably thinking watson could have done more....
  12. Offensive line doing better. Steelers must have put their 3rd stringers in.
  13. I have seen enough. Put the damn rookie O linemen in there. Get this garbage off the field.
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