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Everything posted by CPF4LIFE

  1. There are no Qbs in this draft that will turn this thing around soon and slim pickings in FA. You gotta young playofff caliber defense all on rookie deals. Throw some money at the top FA O linemen and not the trash bin and you can still be competitive.
  2. Lol....Panthers haven't been a factor since cam got hurt. Where were we going to begin with?
  3. Been saying for months...if you didnt want watson here better hope darnold played well.
  4. They really picked up Darnold option before he even played a down.... This staff has been to damn cocky from the get go and if today isnt humbling i dont know what is.
  5. Agreed. They should have gave him the nod then, and then went to irving if he struggled.
  6. Christensen needs work...a LOT OF WORK. He is not even touching the rusher coming across the line sometimes. This is just bad all around.
  7. When PJ has had a full week to prepare as a starter he is 1-0. I will take that right now.
  8. I wouldnt be mad if they cut Daley tomorrow. Get him the fug off this team!!!
  9. Definitely getting outcoached....offense playcalling is night and day.
  10. From the start last year, people said teddy would never be that bad to get us a top pick and he wasnt. So far sam is proving the opposite lol. He looks bad against bad teams.
  11. He is holding the ball to long and giving defenders time to close in on receivers.
  12. Yall new GM really stood there and watched Justin fields workout and immediately said we gonna trade for Darnold in the middle of the damn workout. SORRY...I DONT TRUST NONE OF THESE CLOWNS TILL FURTHER NOTICE. You can poo and reply all you want. GTFOH.
  13. I just said on twitter the offense wasnt this bad under teddy or Kyle allen. We could move the ball.. this is just horrible.
  14. What else would you expect from that guy? Cant believe people around here take him seriously.
  15. Fitterer was the one that stood there and watched Justin fields workout and immediately said we are gonna trade for darnold. Stop defending this clown.
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