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Everything posted by CPF4LIFE

  1. "Hey i can't bench all of you" LMMMMMAOOOO....fuging HILARIOUS.
  2. This my problem with brady, just horrible play calls after penalties. This just drive had no chance after that.
  3. For the record...i never wanted mike davis to leave. Great compliment back to cmc.
  4. Just started doing my research and i like this kenny pickett guy.
  5. Lol...what? Charles Johnson only had 10 career sacks by the end of his third year. He wasnt even a full time starter till his 4th year and got paid after 1 double digit sack season. Secondly, Hardly anybody is Julius peppers. Dude was a freak of nature...end of story. Mike ruck was the same as CJ....didn't hit his stride till his 4th year and only had 2 double digit sack seasons. As i said before, we still haven't seen how good burns can really be, he has some flaws but so did everybody else. I like his development. Some of you really gotta do your homework before you type stuff tho. Lol
  6. This is definitely false...he didnt even play that much his rookie season and we know why when it comes to that. Lol As soon as he got a full time role last year he produced greatly. Burns isnt scratching the surface of how good he can really be yet.
  7. Thats also true...but i have been saying since then, It was just a tough spot. CMC wasnt just our RB he was our best player on the team at the time and coming off a heavy work load season. It was a business move on his end to start talking extension and capitalizing off the negative heat for the team releasing there former best player Cam.
  8. Yeah but you Cant predict injuries...and cmc pretty much had none before he got extended.
  9. Brown is having a better year than last year. Last year, he wasn't getting sacks till towards the end of the season. He is trending up. Third year might be a monster year.
  10. Put bouye and Donte on the block Get back cam Robinson or Andre dilliard and some picks. Use those picks to fix interior o line in draft.
  11. And still 10 games to go. I didn't expect it to be a poo show this early.
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