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Everything posted by CPF4LIFE

  1. This the type of crap that makes not even to want to watch, how can the refs catch all these penalties on our o line but not see a damn thing on the opposing team o line??!
  2. No...he should have been at least playing more over bravvion roy...the temple guy.
  3. So where the fug has Phil Hoskins been? 2 bigs plays back to back and was pretty good in pre season. This coaching staff couldn't evaluate a brown paper bag.
  4. I dont know about that...he didnt look like he was trying to put that much on it.
  5. New GM screwing up on second rounders too? Sheesh
  6. Key words "on the field" because he was on there a lot more than cam was.
  7. Not a slight at Burns but i think we know why Rivera specifically didnt like him on the field that much and its already been spoken about Donte. This was truly a game where the opposing team just knew us too well. I think its all scheme related, big adjustments should be made to fix it.
  8. Is it me or did it seem like Cam was on the sideline most of this game?? I cant believe this defense performance today. They were pathetic out of all the games they have been dominant. Thanks for fugin nothin.
  9. Can't believe this defense picked today to choke. This is just the luck of this team.
  10. Once again...how the fug can our o line get all these penalties and the opposing team not get one holding call all game??!
  11. Inexcusable man!! This is the defense from last year.
  12. Come on Burris you gotta be smarter than that!! All you had to do was touch him!!!
  13. One offensive possession the whole third quarter. This defense has poo the bed today.
  14. Why are backups playing so many snaps today?? Bravvion roy got washed on that big run.
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