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Everything posted by CPF4LIFE

  1. If Pickett balls out this year, im planting myself firmly in the draft QB next year train and im not budging. Enough is enough.
  2. I didnt even know Moton has been hurt. He needs to heal if thats the case. Move brady to RT and give Bozeman some damn reps.
  3. He definitely has a weird windup that's easy to read. I have never liked his throwing motion at all.
  4. You had clowns really defending Baker trade right after it happened. Couldnt even give him time to get on field and prove it. This is pathetic.
  5. Baker either throws it over your head, in the dirt, or it gets batted down.
  6. The sooner Rhule gets the hell outta carolina the better. To even question DJ at this point is absurd when the guy has never had a good QB his whole career so far and has still produced. Rhule is a total clown for even putting that out there like that and you even got some fans that would support his comments. Throw all the crap out the door.
  7. Come the hell on baker...DJ has gotta be pissed right now.
  8. That was stupid YGM just let go if he doesn't have the ball anymore!!!
  9. Baker isnt the problem but he isnt the answer either.
  10. Everytime he gets in the game he answers the McCall.
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