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Everything posted by CPF4LIFE

  1. The closer we get towards the end of the season we will probably start hearing rumors about how the team ranks the QBs. Thats what im waiting on.
  2. A 3rd round pick for Burns is lunacy. Get off the drugs.
  3. I have never understood this idea that fans think Owners are not involved in decisions. Curious to know where this has come from.
  4. So if baker plays again then we lose a 4th rounder?? Might as well keep him home at this point.
  5. I dont care who the next coach is, its little chance we are not drafting QB with only corral on the roster. And we aren't doing vet thing again, they wouldn't dare so go ahead and start researching qbs.
  6. Dude...nobody can answer this. Yes rebuild is comin, but if you keep your core and add an elite qb prospect with the right coaching hire maybe you lower that timeframe far as competing but its not something that can be determined right now. Burns has another year, you see how things work with new staff then make a determination.
  7. So you wanted to win games this year with a 1-5 record already??
  8. I dont think anybody was offering a first, gotta hope the niners dont even make the playoffs now to increase the value of the picks.
  9. Yeah arrested on suspicion and the gun was supposedly registered to him. Decent chance this may go away but he got prior things to clean up i didnt know about.
  10. Yeah Shaq is outta here, and he hasn't been impactful as he was last year. I prefer not having no LBs on big contracts right now anyway.
  11. He has those endorsements because he plays BASKETBALL..in which your career could end anytime playing the game. So You get your money while you can. Lamelo isnt even near his mid 20s, you dont turn down money this early in your career anyway because you jeopardize getting and even bigger bag later in your career. As many endorsements as lebron james has had he has never took a paycut so why would lamelo? Lol..that doesn't make sense
  12. And turn down a 200 million plus rookie max extension? I doubt it my friend.
  13. Yes they could lose him eventually if they dont build but melo will be up for a 200 Plus rookie max extension after next season and the odds of him turning that down are slim cuz he won't get it anywhere else. So there is still time, if they dont he can ask for a trade after he is paid.
  14. The thing is...the other big markets if you even consider them that are San Antonio, utah, indiana. I dont think the other young teams are gonna be that bad. I think the nba wouldn't mind pairing wembayama with lamelo here. The hornets currently look worse than the teams i just named. Also the Commissioner loves lamelo. Not saying this is a guarantee it willl happen but they don't have reasons not to try this year.
  15. Panthers and Hornets should be in full tank mode. Chalk this year up to have a chance at franchise changing talent.
  16. That last paragraph says it all. This did not start with Tepper. Ever since the superbowl this team has been lost.
  17. Just came in to say eason looked more sound than anybody else this year and that is sad.
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