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Everything posted by CPF4LIFE

  1. so this random source that covers bills and Yankees was correct yesterday. They also have it pinned that panthers are taking Bryce Young. We will see if that holds up.
  2. I get that, but there are no signs he will be cheaper. Lions were far apart on a deal from what we know.
  3. I like williams but dont want to overpay for a RB.
  4. That seems to be the trend with teams who have crazy amount of cap room whether they are good or bad. I wouldn't be surprised to see us do the same thing next year. Thats just how it goes.
  5. I agree on this, which is why the QB selection is so important. If they are serious about winning the division i dont think you convince yourself to take a guy with development concerns.
  6. I envision him being a better version of Jericho cotchery. Wouldnt mind it
  7. We might be looking at a really young receiving core this year.
  8. Lord...i knew somebody was gonna say it.
  9. I still say its stroud, and if they are considering a trading it wont be no lower than 2. "Convincing" yourself to like somebody else is just asinine.
  10. I dont think not throwing was cowardly but I do respect a prospect that feels like they have nothing to hide and willing to perform whenever opportunity is given.
  11. I like Richardson i really do, but when it comes to Cam i would be lying if at times cam didnt make me want to bash my head against the wall for missing throws he should make. My worry with Richardson is that he can be great but spotty at times...it would be nice just to get a cerebral surgeon QB in here thats gonna stand in pocket read and make every throw off rip...and run when needed. Its nothing against cam and Richardson but you have to get this right more than anything considering the last couple years the team has endured. So For the love of football gods lets not overthink this and do sometimg too much bold than we already have.
  12. I dont come on here to engae with your retarded diluted ass... EVER. I DONT HAVE ANOTHER ACCOUNT HERE. I have no time to troll you or anybody else. Imma just do you the favor and ignore you so i cant see you anymoreon here, good luck with your witch hunt you clown.
  13. Not this bs again....good lord dude. Get a fugin life. I have no idea what you are talking about or who you are talking about.
  14. The NIGHTMARE IS OVER. All you Sam supporters can hit the road with him. You know who you are.
  15. Murray is a similar build but better athlete than Young and even he hasnt been able to dodge the injury bug. If there wasnt other options i would be all for young but if there is another guy just as good with a better body build for the league imma take that guy.
  16. Everyday that goes by i want Stroud more and more thats even with watching all these QBs tape. There is nothing there to lower the stock, you would have to fight to convince yourself otherwise which is stupid.
  17. Fitt said they didnt plan on being bad enough to pick high in the draft again. You dont draft Richardson if you really feel that way.
  18. I said this before, only thing left now is pro days and visits. Stroud already won the combine now he will get to throw again with guys he is familiar with vs the other QBs. Unless somebody has the greatest pro day ever i dont see how the front office talks themselves into doing something else unless they are just that incompetent.
  19. If no team wants to trade. It will be Stroud. Im sticking to that.
  20. Im all for signing a Vet TE over a Rookie TE to pair with a Rookie QB.
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