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Everything posted by CPF4LIFE

  1. Lol....yeah it was kinda weird of him to say that when your QB is a mouse.
  2. This is why you gotta respect context in sports. It's becoming a forgotten thing unfortunately
  3. I came on here multiple times and pointed how his 2021 tape wasn't the same as his 2022 tape. 2021 he was slinging it with all arm... barely using his full body. 2022 if you watch the film he was straight up throwing ducks sometimes and receivers had to almost stop on routes to catch passes. I cringed in the draft workout when had to get a running start just to throw a deep ball that wasn't accurate. I guess it really depends on the timing when you point things out you get called a hater.
  4. I don't think we should be going there yet with this team even tho i get that's your opinion.
  5. What's crazy is I'm personally not even trying to say playoffs would be guaranteed. But considering how those division games played out last year I'm hard to convince that it would have been the same with stroud if he was QB. Bryce was THAT BAD and there were opportunities there to win those games between 2 bad teams. These guy rebuttling are not bringing nothing significant to the table but wishful thinking.
  6. Nico Collins had 37 catches and 481 yds in 10 games the year before last. WHY THE HELL would I know who he is on another team I don't support that averaged 3 wins the last couple years and i damn sure know you didn't so cut the crap. Oh wow, you took yards total for Singletary and thought you made point? How about telling folks he only had 3 games over a 100 yds. Hell... The first 8 games of the season he average 26 BUM ASS yards. And was inconsistent the rest of the year to the point he is on a whole other team. But hey that yard total tho!! Slowik was a unproven coach they did a good job but to pump the initiative that he is some god send guru is just ridiculous as of right now. You give him davis mills instead of Stroud last year the texans only have 3 wins and nobody is psying the any mind. On paper, nobody would have even thought about putting Texans receiving core over ours last year. We had former pro bowl receivers compared to the texans unknown guys but Stroud would have struggled worse with thielen and chark? Yeah okay. Lastly, I never said Stroud would be even better hear. The discussion was around would he succeed which can mean multiple things. Wins and personal performance can be 2 different things for qbs based on scenarios like us being in one of the worst divisions so not needing 10 plus wins to make playoffs would factor. Let's put it this way with Stroud hypothetically. We probably beat falcons week 1 and saints next week, we also beat a winless vikings team and the texans because they would probably have bryce. Beat atlanta again and maybe the bucs one of those games and the saints again. Keep in mind bryce had significant turnovers and no offense led scoring against all those bad teams that cost wins. Stroud went months without even throwing a pick. He isnt throwing a record 4 PICK SIXES and multiple sack fumbles resulting in touchdowns. I'm pretty confident over 50% of his yards wouldnt come at the end of games or on the final drive of most of his games. Good luck convincing ANYBODY that would be the same with stroud. It's not hard to analyze and compare. You just blabbering responses and not doing research makes me not take you serious whatsoever.
  7. Well...What else do you honestly expect him to say? You expect him to dump on his friend publicly he has known for a long time? Stroud also said the panthers pretty much fuged up by not picking him. This is nothing groundbreaking
  8. Cj henderson released by Houston. Still remember everybody was so hype over that trade. Smh
  9. Spoken like someone who truly did not pay attention to the texans last year to make a fair assessment. Let me educate you. You do understand the texans wr and ol were technically were never healthy last year? The o line fluctuated arguably more than the panthers. Tunsil there best guy missed significant time. Stroud took as many sacks as bryce the first half of the season and finished top 10 in sacks taken and if you add the 2 games he missed it's probably more than that. Let's also highlight the texans pretty much had no run game all year compared to the panthers who had to use the run just to move the ball. If you REMEMBER (because i know you dont) the knock on stroud was that he wasn't mobile enough to avoid pressure but actually he did just that a lot last year which also kept sack number from being even higher and HELPING his o line. Far as the receivers go, you couldn't even name a receiver on that squad coming into the season. Nobody said a word about collins prior to last year, hell...TMJr had MORE yards than he did the year before last. The guy was unknown, and when he and the other starters got hurt late in the season. Guess what? Here comes Noah brown who had almost 400 yds in the span of 3 games. Of course you gonna do the simple minded thing and tell me that's coaching but the reality is bobby slowik is not some guru. He has been a defensive coach most of his tenure in the league and never was a OC till last year. You can make a case he was only hired cuz him & Ryan's were on niners staff previous year. Thats a first year HC and a first year OC. Stroud was the one making fast reads, getting the ball out quick and showing outstanding ball placement that no other qb was doing. The point is Stroud doesn't get enough credit for being everything a franchise QB is supposed to be. He elevates the guys around him and covers up the flaws, his playstyle isn't so demanding where you need top tier talent, execution, & coaching experience around him just for him to look competent. I could keep going on this topic but this schooling shouldn't need to be this long.
  10. No matter how much yall say this it doesn't make it true. Yall also said he would struggle going to a team that was technically worse than the panthers the year before and that didn't happen. If Reich system was more of a fit for Stroud like everybody says how is it a guarantee he wouldnt succeed? The math still doesn't make sense.
  11. You are wrong..great Qbs always make the smart play and check it down to the open guy!
  12. I'm not doing that at all. But by all means keep being clueless.
  13. And that's fair. No knock of him for doing in that in his first playing time of the year. I'm just saying I want to see more from him this year or see what more he is capable of. Everybody should. The whole super processor thing for me went out the window a long time ago. Most qbs that are capable of making big plays aren't labeled as that anyway. Just show me you can be greater then the average.
  14. The point is that this type of situation is the difference between the Kansas chiefs sticking with Alex Smith or going out and getting a game changer like Patrick mahomes. Yes...there is nothing ever wrong with making the smart safe play but there will Come a time with eventually with every qb where you start questioning are they just being smart on their decisions or is that really all there capable of because they don't have the ABILITY to take bigger chances. If you don't understand that then that's all good. You can interpret how you will. For the record, anybody questioning bryce was called a hater a long time ago. Thats nothing new..its old. And tired.
  15. If top tier qb had the physical talent and confidence...yes they can get the ball there before the FS does.
  16. I'm trying to understand what was everybody's expectations of plummer the first 2 games??
  17. I mean....a top tier qb could make that throw. So if you think bryce can't then he may not be one. Which obviously is the concern.
  18. In other words, other franchise qbs would make that throw and set themselves apart from the mediocre Qbs. Thats one of the expectations for bryce this year is to make throws that will set himself apart from the average. lm not gonna argue he won't be more productive because it will be hard to be worse than last year. It's more about within that production is he taking chances and trusting the deep ball like you said.
  19. I thought he had more than enough time in the pocket and still held the ball too long at certain times. Definitely more than plummer had all pre season but of course nobody wants to talk about that.
  20. Because i dont care about a specific number. That will come down to what will be required far as the team is instructed. For example, he could very well not have a substantial increase in yards and TDs because the run game is working so well but still play well despite his low number. It happens.
  21. More tds, less interceptions and obviously more yards with more of those comimg from big plays. He only had 2800 yds passing while playing in 16 games. Is it to much to ask too improve on that to you??
  22. Damn...I didnt even notice that lol. I did notice that his throws still look weak to me and just don't come off his hands strong. When the coverage tightens up that's gonna be a good indicator of progress.
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