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Everything posted by CPF4LIFE

  1. Yeah because thats competition between schools, and not relevant when asked who you think the better player is....
  2. Damn, them SEC guys sure stick together.
  3. Okay cool my friend, but the poster I responded too basically said in similar stance a bad scored on a test means that a player wont be a good QB in the league because nobody with a bad score ever has. Im just calling out the bad logic in the discussion. Far as the players you listed, yes they are considered small but you are still overlooking the fact that Bryce is even smaller than all those guys so technically he is still a outlier all of his own and will have to do something never been done before for a player like him. Thats all.
  4. Thats cool...But you originally said nobody was saying those things and now you are acknowledging that they are. Thats all that needs to be understood.
  5. Um....yeah, you might want to look around a little more.
  6. The data also says a QB at 5'10 and barely weights 190 pounds is pretty much guaranteed not to be a success because its literally never been done but we are not gonna run with that now are we??
  7. A good GM with no winning seasons? I see your optimism but it doesn't work like that my friend, and thats not even including the fact that the draft picks and trades havent been exactly "knock out the park" esq either. Sure, now maybe there is progression, but the results on field count the most and it would be delusion to think he doesn't start getting heat if this season isnt a big turnaround.
  8. Fitt knows this might be the last ride for him. Dont screw this up or the seat is gonna get hot. Do what the owner wants.
  9. At this point i would fully welcome a trade, i want more picks. Idc that we traded to one, i think we can still get a QB we like. If this staff is that great they can Coach a couple of these guys up.
  10. Hey, Yall been believing vegas a lot recently so believe them now. Lmaooooo
  11. Fitt probably knows this might be his last chance at bat, you dont take the guy the owner wants AGAIN and you risk getting canned sooner than later.
  12. How about we just agree to disagree? Like i said we gonna see when they both get to the league. And Im not upset for this, hell gonna laugh if this is a colossal mistake cuz its the panthers way and watch yall pile in here with the excuses. I made one post in this thread and triggered 5 people instantly so who really mad? Hell, i can keep doing it to the prove my point. Yall cant stand anybody being objective when it comes to the Bryce youngster. Clearly.
  13. Who gives a damn about where they are drafted. Bryce averaged almost 3 seconds of throwing time of his drop backs. We going off the tape right? Easier to process when nobody is getting anywhere near you. Alabama with no high draft picks is still significantly better then most teams in the conference. Thats always gonna be the case with Saban. Knock it off.
  14. The more some of you post this just proves how uninformed and bias you are. But go ahead, rock out.
  15. Breaking: team expects high performance out of QB who has NEVER been drafted this high at such a small frame, who is also not the best athlete, not the best arm talent, who may be overwhelmed by the physicality of pro athletes. You left all that out, but dont worry i reminded you.
  16. Fact still remains, he better prove to be way better than stroud or its gonna get ugly really fast. Stroud cannot show to adjust to the league faster than him or a lot of bullshit narratives are gonna go out the window. Thats just the truth.
  17. WOW....a Alabama team doctor backing Bryce....im so relieved now.
  18. I have said this from the very beginning and stand by it. Its crazy to me that people still want to argue against it.
  19. To add to that the whole argument of being a successful player in the pros just because he played in the SEC is just as stupid as the argument about him holding up physically in the league. If thats the case then NO SEC players should bust in the league especially guys that go in the first round. Hell, Alabama players are not guaranteed stars in the league PERIOD. They fizzle in the pros all the time, its nothing new.
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