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Everything posted by CPF4LIFE

  1. Yes. Anything concerning you have mentioned about bryce since the draft has been responded with you calling him a bust or being declared troll. Thats why i have just ignored the responses from the hype boys till the season began because now there is no hyping and hiding when the games start. Now we will see everything in front of us, people will be proven wrong or proven right. No more talking.
  2. He was never gonna have anything at receiver from the start, even fully healthy these guys arent intimidating. We traded are best receiver to get him because a good Qb is supposed to have a bigger impact.
  3. He sure as hell wasnt getting flack up till now, if anything rhule got poo for not playing him cuz he looked good when he did.
  4. Marshall was good last year with worst QBs? Whats the problem now?
  5. We would be absolutely up poo creek without burns and brown on D.
  6. They theilen signing was waaay to overhyped. Its reason the vikes showed him the door.
  7. 14 completions for 103 yds is doesnt look exciting, it wasnt exciting in pre season. It looks average or just manageable.
  8. I always thought the most pro ready argument was overblown and i havent seen anything to change that.
  9. Cant get the damn plays we were saving for the regular season in
  10. Staring down the receiver, exactly what he did in pre season. Cant do that.
  11. Burns is OVERRATED!! What is he doing out there?!!
  12. Where the folks at that said atl run game wasnt gonna be a issue?? Yall done talking at ass yet?
  13. There is that "overated" man again, according to people who think they know football.
  14. Um...that was us last year my guy, and everybody was pretty confident in that style carrying us to the playoffs if it wasn't for tom Brady and mike evans. Lol
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