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Everything posted by CPF4LIFE

  1. Sidenote. I think we also just assured that atlanta will go and get a real qb next season.
  2. Chuba has been the best player on offense for a while now. Stop it. Lol
  3. Dj caught one of bryces out of bounds balls
  4. The receivers have to bend over and catch every ball like they are catching a toss from a toddler.
  5. He had a open man back towards the middle of the endzone
  6. And how many times they been smacked all year compared to us?
  7. but the texans just have a great team around stroud. Its not all him.
  8. "If D brown played in a Tampa 2 defense he would have way more then 1 sack."
  9. How the hell do you lob a screen pass?? Lol
  10. Fitt has to go for that to happen. No way i want him paired with Johnson.
  11. Him being handed team captain is just as bad. There has been no semblance of him earning anything since he was drafted. Cam called this out in his interview.
  12. They damn sure did when Andy Dalton was under center.
  13. I would absolutely be down for this. Cam is already a business man more than other athletes even before he stopped playing. The team from a popular stand point was the highest its ever been with Cam here and thats just off his personality alone. I think he would definitely have a plan and can relate to the players the most.
  14. I said during pre draft if you hire a coach especially one who emphasizes in QBs and immediately overrule them in what QB to get its already the beginning of the end.
  15. When i went down to camp i thought it was clear Corral threw the best ball, then dalton, and bryce last. Bryce didnt look bad but nothing stood out to me watching him in person and he got most of the reps. I think its always been the plan to keep Dalton limited so he wouldnt look better than Bryce. I just dont think he has earned anything since getting here and just like the combine he would have looked inferior competing next to other QBs. This is the complex part about evaluations, college teams really can make players look better than what they are. Its a difference in evaluating how a good a guy is in college and what will translate to the NFL.
  16. More things you wish you knew in pre draft.
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