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Everything posted by CPF4LIFE

  1. I like it, if the deal isnt crazy. Its amazing how hyped him and clowney were and just didnt pan out but i would take them both on this team plus draft another Pass rusher.
  2. Like someone just said that 33 pick will have the most value come the end of draft night 1. Might as well hold on to it.
  3. I would love Braelon allen in the draft then
  4. I like Higgins but trading multiple picks and giving him a big contract is just a no go for me. I like the receivers in this draft and the fact we can get guys on cheap deals.
  5. Regardless off how you interpret it bryce is gonna have to show major improvement to back up all this spending on O linemen. The excuses are dwindling with every signing and thess guys are already proven top of the league players without him so we are not gonna magically act like they always sucked when bryce is still struggling this time around. Thats out the window
  6. Panthers fans loved throwing the blame around last year everywhere except where it needed to go, when the offense cant score more than 7 points and the defense is giving up 30 every game we know where its going. Evero should just quit right now. Lol
  7. Defense just got significantly worse in a few hours, we better be looking at a pass rusher in the draft.
  8. To be honest i wouldn't be surprised if he is next, i mean if a team is offering a crazy good package....why not?? Brown cant carry the defense and the team isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Thats the reality. You passed up a good ass deal for burns to have to settle for something far less now. Can a team like this do that twice??
  9. Well are defense is looking like its gonna suck because we are using all our limited resources to help our QB, better hope this offense can score more than 1 touchdown a game next year because its gonna get ugly if they cant.
  10. Well are defense is looking like its gonna suck because we are using all our limited resources to help our QB, better hope this offense can score more than 1 touchdown a game next year because its gonna get ugly if they cant.
  11. Damn...now they got to give this guy his credibility back. LOL
  12. Saw this somewhere else on twitter earlier. Looks like it might have real legs
  13. Im not surprised actually, you need guys that can block for more than 5 seconds with the qb we have.
  14. They would say this....of course they would love for us to keep bryce the next 10 years. Lol
  15. And you cant forget the terrible DBs as well, that pass at :27 gets picked off by a NFL DB...these the things i consider when watching these college qbs tape.
  16. I said a while back that is exactly what is happening. Teams are not watch film in bryce and coming away worried about him beating them.
  17. All the experts had bryce over stroud pre draft plus no one was talking about how great texans offense was at that time. They all rated stroud lower because he was the one who could only succeed with top talent around supposedly. These experts opinions are becoming less and less relevant. If you have been watching the game a long time you can do your own evaluation and rankings at this point because its nothing but horse poo everywhere else.
  18. Its amazing how fast everybody turned on the guy, he technically only had one bad year. Just over year ago everybody was praying we would resign him. This wont be the end of it either, gonna keep axing guys to compensate bryce and it wont lead to anything. Cant remember the last time i had this ittle faith in this team for the future.
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