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Everything posted by CPF4LIFE

  1. LOL....soon as we get in a rhythm the rain comes back.
  2. I appreciate Klein, but i really hope we get Luke back in 2 weeks
  3. LMMMMAAAO... Not uhhh....He is gonna replace Hardy
  4. This team gets drunk soon as they get any sort of lead, offense defense it doesnt matter. Thats on the head coach
  5. A fuging practice squad guy has come in and took over this veteran D line.
  6. This Delaire guy is pretty good, better than practice squad good.
  7. YES he did, when he started bobbling the ball he stopped running and watch him catch it go watch it again.
  8. It really is exciting to have one of the best Dbs in the league. I see how other fans feel now lol
  9. Norman is officially my favorite DB in the league fug it.
  10. Tilman stood there and watched him bobble and catch it , he could have made a play on the ball
  11. Stewart looked so disappoint after that play. He cant win this year lol
  12. Cant deny Gettlemans eye for talent. We signed this guy off Redskins practice squad?? Wow
  13. We cant even tackle DOug Martin. What the hell did these do last night??>
  14. This rain is fugin ridiculous one minute its raining then it stops again. WTF??
  15. Hell its not even really Rivera its the owner, Richardson basically went out and got another Fox. This is how HE wants the team to be.
  16. But they will get on the radio press conferences and tell us how they are good. Real fans should not be falling for this bull poo anymore, we only look dominant against back up QBs and we are not even doing that this year. Rivera still has a lot to prove as a coach. I am not looking forward to know blowouts the next few weeks, can only pray its different
  17. O linemen on the Texans knocked the damn ball loose on that Foster fumble, they are terrible.
  18. Gettleman needs to try and sign Norman right now, fug his ego and philosophy. Sometimes it gets bigger than those things.
  19. OMG you know they are going to the sideline, how do you allow that??
  20. Norman bailing this defense out once again. But noooo we are gonna let him walk cuz the front 7 is "so important"
  21. Get a nice lead and get conservative, it happens every freakin time. Rivera is good coach but i still dont know about ever actually winning a superbowl with him. I just dont. Its certain things in his philosophy that wont work to get there.
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