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Everything posted by CPF4LIFE

  1. I get all that personal vendetta you have against him but thats not how this works. Teams will look whether further than all the stuff you just said....plus he has whole new year of evaluation to determine his status. Highlighting all the negative themes and ignoring the positive isnt gonna get him passed up. He has already shown an elite skillset and if shows even more improvement this year he will be the first pick. If guys like penix and nix can go top 15 sanders will definitley go hire no matter how much people dont like him.
  2. I think Shadeur Sanders is a way better QB for Canales system than Bryce as it is.
  3. Its a possibility, i just think its a small one. Also, when it you define good you have to take into consideration if that good is enough for the panthers to invest long term.
  4. Yes he is tough, i will give him credit for that but just from a performance stance we are nowhere close to knowing if he is the long term answer and i really want to avoid a Daniel Jones situation or sturggling qb getting paid just cause a teams back is against the wall.
  5. As of right now i have the stance that i dont want Bryce to get injured because if he is not on the field for any reason other than he was just that bad then we will have to do this whole process over again next year. Before you know it we will be in year 4 and thats when you are talking about contract extension and 5th year option and i will be DAMNED if i support this team if they tie up 40% of the cap to pay this guy and he hasnt proved worth it.
  6. A Qb that needs to be rebuilt went number 1 overall. How does that happen i still dont know.
  7. Bryce might be the greatest 7 on 7 Qb ever.
  8. Probably was watching bryce tape again.
  9. What is it that you think bryce does well? And do you think it will be good enough to win 10+ games a year, beat good teams, or win in playoffs?
  10. First off...you missed the point of what I said. All I said was the offense could be setup to not have to rely on bryce in the same manner as other qbs if its working. And Yes the rest aren't proven commodities but NEITHER is bryce so I don't understand what you are getting at there. Lastly what is with this questioning of if bryce is liked? Liked how? Personal or football? See thats the problem with fans like you, you are so invested in a individual you respond to any critsicm with "do you like him". My opinion on bryce is strictly football....I DONT KNOW BRYCE PERSONALLY so I don't have anything against him in that regard. Far as football I said from the start I didn't see him as a top nfl Qb and he hasn't shown me anything so far to say I was wrong so based off your question...no. Just like everybody else on here, it's strictly football. Asking if he is liked in that regard, it's clearly no. He hasn't shown enough to be liked on the field.
  11. From what i see, Canales offense requires a QB that is willing to take chances to maximize the offense. XL is also the kind of receiver that needs a qb to be risky to bring out his full potential. Its just a matter of if Bryce is gonna be that QB.
  12. So do you mind explaining how any of that is not valid?
  13. I think it needs to be put in perspective that all these analysts putting out these takes on Bryce is based off the fact that a lot of them finally got to sit down and watch all the tape from every game last season. Based off most of their reactions they didn't like what they saw. My thing is if they saw it then you gotta think the new staff saw it too. Im just very interested to see where this goes this season.
  14. I mean truthfully thats not out the question, its already be stated most elite Qbs dont need everything to be great around them to succeed. Let say hypothetically XL lives up to the hype, Sanders shows why he was top TE in draft, Brooks becomes one of the best RBs in the league and the O line is top 5 based off all the money spent. That could be good enough to get you to a Superbowl without needing a QB to carry the team. Plus its already been said we will be a run heavy team so they are trying to take as much pressure off bryce as possible not give him way more responsibility. That clearly didnt work out to well last year and led to another staff overhaul. As of right now, relying on Bryce could cost people their jobs so its understandable if the coaches and other players are the catalyst for any success.
  15. The agenda was so biased I remember there were people expecting Stroud to drop in the draft. Then the texans turned the card in before they even had enough time to talk about bryce after he was picked. That's when I got the big regret feeling about what just happened.
  16. I was so happy CJ showed how good he was in the Georgia game because I thought that sealed the deal as him being the no.1 pick and qb. Then the agenda came during pre draft and the rest is all disappointment.
  17. Simms was never that high on bryce, he made that real clear leading up to draft.
  18. I mean he has literally nowhere to go but up even if its small. You cant be any worse than last year.
  19. Didnt want to throw at the combine and was missing in his Pro day workout. Just too many red flags for me.
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