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Everything posted by CPF4LIFE

  1. I wanna see Funchess and Shaq. Main reasons why i wanted to watch this game tonight.
  2. We all know why Cotchery couldnt finish that route in time...
  3. I am gonna go ahead and say this now, we are doing teams a favor by keeping Bene on the sideline just to play nickel.
  4. I am already bracing for the threads about how Cam didnt "light it up" and "he hasnt progressed" during pre season. It happens every year.
  5. Who specifically on the line is struggling? The guards or the tackles?
  6. "I dont know guys, i just got this feeling Oher is gonna be great for us and its not just because we signed him." Then reality kicks in
  7. The huddle has a mind of its own......Ultron. You are part of the problem.
  8. Keeping Lin and Roberts over Harrison is a stupid idea at this point. Just not worth it to keep them over a guy who could be show promise down the road.
  9. What pisses me off the most is that this is like fourth freaking big we have drafted in the lottery in the last 5 years WTH are we doing?? We better be moving somebody else.
  10. Yo MKG better turn into a Allstar player right fugin now. He is running out of time
  11. SO he is gonna get more minutes than Winslow? (if we draft him) . Were gonna wait on him to develop too?
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