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Everything posted by CPF4LIFE

  1. You cant, but i have seen teams get really creative to make up for issues. We dont seem to want to change anything.
  2. Lol... this is not gonna end well for all you optimistic folks during the pre season. Reality is about to kick in today.
  3. This front seven is NOT dominant, good but not dominant anymore. Lets cut that crap once and for all.
  4. I really dont understand how people think starting Ginn and Philly at receiver is gonna work this year. We still have 14 more games to play. If you want any sort of success this season you MUST be hoping a change is coming.
  5. Seems like Turner goes down every other game, i hope can stay healthy for his career.
  6. Atrocious play by the line on the last 2 plays
  7. HAHHAHAH. Refs are trash Jags complain all you want.
  8. Looks like it was bout to be a run up the middle for no gain.
  9. My god these refs are horrible, should have seen the 12 guys on the field!!!!
  10. Thats some nasty poo Jaguars got going on with that pool, i see piss coloring watching from my tv.
  11. I know teams have to just sit in the film room and laugh sometimes when watching our offense on tape
  12. Bortles confidence took a dip after that pick 6
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