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Everything posted by CPF4LIFE

  1. Inside of the line is getting pushed back the last 2 weeks they need to play better.
  2. So now with have to deal with other teams taking cheap shots to draw penalties on us. Just what happens when everyone is desperate to beat you.
  3. One on one coverage when you new they were gonna force the ball too??
  4. Crazy as it sounds thats true. It was pretty classless but you get everything a teams got when they are trying to get in the playoffs.
  5. This is a team fighting to get in the playoffs. They were never gonna just lay down. Season on the line. We just have to rise to the challenge of closing that door these last 2 minutes.
  6. To much damn read option with a Rookie RB. And where is Tolbert??
  7. WOW. I watched that entire play TD was covering him then he just stopped.
  8. They have came close to blocking that ALL GAME. WHy are not ready for it.
  9. We just cant catch a break with these injuries but at the same time its stupid to expect and professional football team to put away and opponent early so you can bench starters. Just gotta hope nothing happens.
  10. It looked like we were gonna coast till Beckham went on his lil tirade and everyone got distracted. Now its a game again. I dont care if it is one loss i dont want to lose this game because of this low class bull poo. CLose this out.
  11. Sack celebrations when you down 3 scores. Lets write letters.
  12. I hold my breath everytime cam gets hit. There has got to be a better to handle these blitzes, we dont seem to like to get the ball out quick.
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