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Everything posted by CPF4LIFE

  1. This is just misguided, GMs can't predict injuries. Dont care how bad or good they are. Cmc had no injury history prior to getting that contract and you werent gonna be able to pay the best RB in the league peanuts.
  2. The whole thought of this just pisses me off.
  3. Put that long Snapper we drafted out there. See what he got....do somethin!!!
  4. Not surprised at Christensen coming from someone who wants him out there. But he should have been out there week 1 to get the reps and experience instead thrown in now. Also there was no reason not to play him against 1s in Pre season. It would have helped a lot, yesterday would have went better.
  5. I was warning people before the season even started and even during the 3-0 start. O line is trash, playcalling suspect, and we cant score points. That crap was gonna catch up. Adding corners wasn't gonna fix any of that.
  6. Everything i was worried about before the season even started is comimg true and we still got 12 games left.
  7. Where have you got this notion from? Tepper has alluded plenty times how important QB is...far as we know Tepper was all in on Watson more than anybody. He had to be convinced on Darnold project, you could tell over pre season he was still on fence about it.
  8. Not me...Slater has been off the charts. Better than what i thought he would be. If Horn was healthy, we could still be 3-2 right now. We have not had trouble stopping the pass at all this year outside a couple big plays.....even without him.
  9. Having a elite OT would have helped immensely. Yeah we would still have problems but having bad tackles and guards is way worse. It is what is they took Horn.
  10. I stand by what i said in ultimately i didnt have a problem taking Horn. Its just now im confused in how we continued to prioritize CB even after the draft. We could have took slater and still acquired CJ and Gilmore later. Pass defense is not a problem, keith Taylor looked good today.
  12. If david tepper was watching today. You know he aint happy. I dont think he was ever sold on Darnold and is just seeing how things will play out. This is a weird predicament because i dont think you can put a rookie qb on with a Roster this talented. Not gonna say that guys name....so imma just hope Darnold turns it around so those rumors dont circulate anymore.
  13. And we still have 12 more games to go. This is happening against good teams and bad. If people aint figured it out yet this IS NOT A GOOD THING. Darnold could be completely shot by the time this season is over with. Thats why you prioritize your QB over anything else.
  14. Nah...one of those guys would have one this game. But that's not a slight to Darnold, he just needs everything great around him to be productive and he doesn't have that. He is just not that guy...but the staff should have known this instead of throwing him in this situation after a couple years already in the league. He is not that far from being completely damaged goods and they ignored it.
  15. Its the only hope left at this point. Cant recall seeing a LG, C, RG combination this bad in a longtime.
  16. I said it before...it was stupid to get caught up in all this new GM heroics craziness this early. This team aint there yet..and walking off the field with Losses trumps any heroics done in the front office. Especially games you had no business losing.
  17. When we made the move i was really hopin it wouldn't be the case. But its starting to become clear. Keith Taylor has been just as good or better than CJ. They should have saw what he had first before making that move.
  18. THIS. It should have been the number one priority easily. Had do you trade for a guy who had no o line where he came from just to bring him over and put him behind another patchwork piece of crap. What did they really expect to happen? It doesn't matter how good the defense is stacked. You gotta score points consistently and we haven't done that for 5 straight games now.
  19. I better not see no "hey we are 3-2" thread fug OFF!!
  20. Unbelievable!!! How can a O line be this bad!!
  21. Of course we are, we got fans who dont know a cot damn thing about football and just look at the score board and to see if a won or not and cant look at the freakin problems regardless of that see to the shot is gonna catch up to us eventually. Win or lose this teams has serious issuse.
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