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Everything posted by CPF4LIFE

  1. In other words "we dont have much confidence in our QB or passing game in general to rely on it, so we gotta run to take the ball out his hands." We will be getting another QB soon people.
  2. Well this doesnt make any sense because Beane was hired may 2017 while Gettleman was still here. Dave wasn't let go untill that july. So Hurney wasnt anywhere in the picture yet.
  3. I feel the same way with Sam as i did with Teddy. Unless he really turns it around i dont care to see him for another 17 games. This is just a situation that started off good and is now getting bad to terrible quickly. They cant even get fans to come to games now... dont know how they are gonna sell on next season with Sam back after having a bad year. It sucks, part of me hopes it still really works out this year. Just doesn't look good.
  4. Dont even know why this even needs to be said about CMC but at the time it was either pay him or he holds out with years left on his rookie deal. RBs and agents fully understand their market now a days, they know team's want to use them up and get rid of them. CMC was just comimg off a great year and was the best player on offense and the team overrall with no injury concerns. Talking extension was good business sense on his end and the agent and at the time panthers cupboard was pretty bare of good players. Zeke did the same thing in dallas, he just managed to stay healthier than cmc. Expect any top RB to holdout to get paid before contract is up, thank ron rivera for putting the team on cmc back like a jacked up work horse. If u treat a player like the end all be all.... you have to pay them like it too. Thats just how it goes.
  5. You are talking about one game...im talking about all 6. If he hits those other deep shots we win more games, score more points and the offense looks better. But whatever...
  6. Ah yes...thats the new excuse for every move celebrated that isnt helping us right now. 3 straight losses.
  7. If you tally all of them up over 6 games majority are flying over receivers heads or out of bounds.
  8. Honestly i wouldn't mind PJ or have a problem playing him. More mobile and so far is a better deep ball thrower than Darnold. The misses on the deep passes are piling up for Darnold... he has to start hitting those. Im beginning to believe teams are sitting on routes because they know he cant.
  9. Important to know.....Tepper had to be convinced on Sam. So He is not happy right now.
  10. It was the same thing last week. Lol its a clear difference in the way they have performed late in games compared to the first 3 games. The offense has regressed, defenses wear down at a faster rate compared to offenses over the course of a season. If you think they are bad now, wait till the second half of the season if this offense cant turn it around.
  11. I hate these threads and how fans will keep them coming till we have more loses than wins.
  12. You weren't the only one, but of course typical fans only look at wins and loss column.
  13. I get your point to an extent but have you ever even played football before? There is a reason why they only play one game a week and watch players snap counts. The defense was just out there way to long today, i was praying we won the the coin toss so we could receive the ball cuz i had a bad feeling about defense on another drive. These guys wear down over the course of game at a fast rate they dont gain more energy. It was just bad situation for our defense.
  14. No...the FANS read the press clippings. Anybody even whispered the panthers during that 3-0 start and some dumbass was posting a article on here. It makes me fuging sick when we continue to get the same damn team every year. You think these fans would learn by now not to to jump the gone on this clown ass team!!! I dont care who it is running it... they all the fuging same till.further notice....HURNEY, FITT, RIVERA, RHULE.... it doesn't come down to one person!!!
  15. Im done with chandler and Franklin at FS.. they are the Achilles heel and dont belong back there.
  16. Defense tired...we dont get a turnover think this ones done.
  17. I am speechless at Brian burns right now....this is becoming a problem
  18. Pj definitely throws a better deep ball than darnold at this point.
  19. I dont even care anymore really. Lose the rest of the games, and watch the panic trade for Watson. Gonna be funny watching the know it alls on here bitch and gripe when we do. This is the result when the new staff you love so much plans dont work and lose trust of the owner. You gotta pretty damn confident to think you could turn Sam darnold around anyway and pay the price when it doesn't work.
  20. We can cause all these fumbles but can never recover them.
  21. Its completely unacceptable no matter how good they have been all game. Thats on snow.
  22. Wth snow??! Soon as we get a lead defense plays like this
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