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Everything posted by CPF4LIFE

  1. Sheena Marie just confirmed on twitter this whole qb purgatory mess was all on Rhule. Tepper liked cam and he wanted fields in the draft. He let the staff he just hired make the decisions and they backfired.
  2. Show me that you can throw and read a defense first then i will worry about mobility. And where has his knee issues effected him in college?
  3. Hurney would have kept Teddy and drafted fields.
  4. I said at the beginning of the gameday thread he had no business playing Sunday. If there was ever a season i have hated being right about so many things its this one.
  5. So he fractured his spatula?? We need a Qb not a chef.
  6. We gave up a 2nd and a 4th Darnold and pretty much are gonna pay him 18 million regardless of what we do with him next year. Its BAD.
  7. Saying Rhule makes finals decisions nullifys even hiring Fitt in the first place and pretty much excuses him from any bad decisions. Nobody was saying this when were 3-0. Stop the BS. We should just get rid of him now if he has no say and is just a Yes man and also he is far from the best GM we ever had if this is his role.
  8. He signed trash backups the first day of FA. So there werent better options on the first day?
  9. Biggest thing right here. Fans already don't come to the games, you tell them darnolds coming back and its gonna be way worse. They gotta do something to spark interest crazy as it sounds but they dont really have much options in first round outside of OL and QB. They cant even think about going defense again in my opinion.
  10. Fans are so wish wash its ridiculous, all you heard the beginning of the year was how he was gonna be a terrible owner because he will stick his nose in football decisions to much. He has done the opposite and now the football guys have put this team in a whole with bad decisions but its on Tepper for not seeing the failure ahead of time...the guy that's not the football guy.
  11. Could have had creed Humphrey. Center position secured next 10 years.
  12. Man that draft day thread was fun...i was criticized hard for questioning that draft and showing concern even when we were 3-0. I definitely have never been full onboard with Fitt, rarely seen anybody kissing his ass the last couple weeks.
  13. Agreed. We could have possibly had fields and just kept our 2nd and 4th picks which was very important to me. To top it off NOT paying sam darnold 18 million dollars next seasons. Crazy how many dominos dont fall with a simple change of direction.
  14. EXTREMELY STUPID. Clippers went on a 22-0 run to end the game. Inexcusable
  15. All this towards Tepper but not one mention of the GM who watched Justin Fileds workout and immediately said we are gonna trade for Sam fugin Darnold.
  16. Rookie QB, its time to.stop attaching darnolds struggles to o line. I saw him throw another ball into the dirt today that should have been a completion. He has gotten our top 3 receivers all injured at some point this year. Enough is enough.
  17. Hurney came in the very beginning of 2017 season and was let go the end of 2020. Thats its not long enough to destroy roster or contribute to it. Hell, he drafted a lot of the core players we have now in that time frame out of the 3 drafts he was responsible for. Even with that a lot of the decisions he made Rhule and his staff had a lot to do with once they arrived. So hurneys impact really wasnt that significant far as damage. Lets just nip that in the bud.
  18. Who is he on the hook for keeping?? HC is in year 2 and GM is in year one. He hired a HC before he hired a new GM...this is what can typically occur. You rarely make drastic changes in the middle of a season like that. Tepper is not a HC or a GM or a football guy for that matter. He has to hire the right football guys to make football decisions but that could take time as a new owner.
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