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Everything posted by CPF4LIFE

  1. For the first time all season the defense looked like the defense from last year.
  2. Theres that dysfunctional ron rivera offense right on que.
  3. Cam went up to NE and learned how to become a even better QB than he already was. You can see it.
  4. Yeah Cam was wasted under the Ron, could you imagine how much better Luke would have been if he had a talented secondary around him? Take what shaq is doing now a times it by 10.
  5. This is just like when we were 3-0..... imma wait for the results on the field.
  6. Remember Ryan Clark said when he saw they started making QBs like cam, he knew it was time to retire.
  7. Nah not following for it. Still needs huge upgrades everywhere except moton in the off season.
  8. Well damn...i say give him a shot as a starter and what do you know. Lol
  9. Shaq reminds me of Battle beast from invincible
  10. Tepper laid back coolin like "this is what happens when i have to step in"
  11. To be such a defensive oriented coach Rivera never put a defense on the field this good when he was here.
  12. Did you see shaq just bounce off that block and still make the tackle? Lol
  13. Lord shaq is everywhere....he been eating that Canelo tainted mexican meat. Lol
  14. I am astounding shaq hasn't been tested for PEds yet.
  15. PJ with a redzone score. Great way to get over your demons. Lol
  16. Some of you would rather have sam out there to not even being able to cross the other side of the damn field.
  17. Daley is so trash....missed the block and still got called for the hold then a false start. Get him off the field.
  18. I will take that from PJ....we moved in scoring range and it was incomplete pass anyway.
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