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Everything posted by CPF4LIFE

  1. How do you really know Rhule was a deciding factor in this? I mean he is already on the hot seat and probably gone with anything short of playoffs. Rhule sucks but i think he cared more about playing close to home.
  2. I cant fault Tepper that much for this. No clause attached and he would already be here, the dude wanted to play close to home that much even with the team not being ready to seriously compete soon. What can you do? Nobody was sacrificed in this that we know of. We saw 2 other teams stab their own players in the back over watson. Is it loss..sure? But i dont see the embarrassment unless you think this team is bigger then what it really is with or without a good coach. We can just get back to building towards this team being taken seriously and take it out on watson twice a year.
  3. We still have our draft picks for the next couple years. We still have our young talented players. We can now use this cap money on other players. We can still trade Cmac for more picks Im good.
  4. Fine by me....Atlanta wont be competitive anytime soon for what they will have to give up to get DW. By the time they are ready to compete for a championship we will too even if we draft a rookie qb. Back to looking forward to the draft.
  5. Yep...anything to pass the time till the draft gets here.
  6. It will be funny if this watson situation destroys other teams and panthers come out on top anyway. This whole thing is just showing how cut throat the league is.
  7. I dont want faker. I would rather draft a rookie.
  8. People just gotta find someone to blame everytime something falls threw. Thats always the case.
  9. Exactly. There is a big difference in effort and actually knowing what you are doing. You cant say tepper dont want to win, he just dont know how which makes things worse. As owner thats for him to figure out. Richardson wouldnt be doing all this.
  10. Yeah after everything thats happened he just wants to go home where he would be most comfortable. This probably isnt even about winning anymore.
  11. We need to sign bozeman too and finish this off. Thats a hell of a upgraded line from last year.
  12. I fuging hate the saints so damn much. Its nothing that team wont do to screw us over and it seems like its something every year. They hear we are interested in a player and next the rumors are flying they are doing everything to jump in front of us no matter what type of situation they are in. Its seriously irritating...bein honest the early stages in this i never thought they would be a team to jump in this watson race. But now i know you can never put anything past them. I seriously hope this crashes a burns for them if they beat us out. fug that team.
  13. Im all for it if watson doesn't want to come here.
  14. Something is definitely up...all these teams jumping in to drive up the price because they know Panthers could get watson without giving up players? Somebody is worried.
  15. He let the coaches and scouts he just hired not to long ago make the decisions without him meddling because thats exactly what everybody said they didnt want him to do. I Dont see the problem with that, rhule has now squandered things for 2 years in a row so Tepper decided it wouldnt be a third if he could help it.
  16. Cool with this. I exactly wanted to bring norwell back....maybe we still can.
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