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Everything posted by CPF4LIFE

  1. Sheena was one of the first ones to report info of Cam coming back last year before it happened. She also has been adamant about Sam being done as the starter here since the season ended. I feel like people just try hard to hate her regardless instead of actually being reasonable about what she provides. Especially when she doesn't come off as unlikable at all to people who engage her. If you gotta problem with her its probably just something going on with you.
  2. You gotta wonder at this point what is their confidence level in YGM?? He was a second round pick who could have went in the first and has flashed when on the field. Yet they keep making moves that would keep him off the field or Limit snaps. This is the year to see what they really have in him unless this is all a scheme to keep his value down.
  3. He has definitely been hitting the weights this off season. Just saw a recent picture of him working out. Dude wants to be great.
  4. Never liked the guy like that but cant deny he is a damn good coach and has stomped all over us for years. Glad people are separating their Fandom from what would be good for the team in the long run.
  5. Great point. From what i researched corral picked up different offenses at ole miss pretty quickly...
  6. Normally you sayin you dont want the rookie to start cuz the online is terrible but that isn't the case here. If heclooks bettee in camp i dont see why not, I think rhule would play a big factor in this unless he is......OverRhuled
  7. Getting mad at robbie for saying same things that everybody else says sitting at home is weird behavior.
  8. Great thread. The commom denominator between all of them is probably strength then shooting. Bouknight is just a better 3pt shooter away from being the opposing teams nightmare in the league every night. Thor can be a really good 3 and D guy as well.
  9. He would improve the defense so thats what matters.
  10. Just love driving that knife in slow huh? Lol
  11. I think they should both atleast get reps with the ones threw out camp and pre season.
  12. You know whats funny, chiefs turned around and got kinnard this year who i really like more than mays. So they got smith and Kennard in back to back years and we took brown and mays. Lol i would be lying if i said the thought of smith and kinnard at guard doesn't excite me more.
  13. I doubt it. I dont think Mays is on treys level but could still be pretty good.
  14. Im just glad they did something to get me excited for the season. Sorry, but just drafting a LT wasn't gonna cut it even tho it was a good pick. Nothing galvanizes a fanbase like finding out if you have a new franchise QB and following corrals rookie year to see if that comes to fruition is excitement enough.
  15. Agreed. I just dont think BC is a guard and him being out there is not putting the best line up on the field with Brown and Mays now on the roster. Ultimately it will probably happen because they want to justify using a 3rd round pick on him.
  16. Kinnard would really solidify this o line. I get brady was a 3rd rounder but we just drafted a LT and i dont see guard as his full potential. We could grab a true guard and lock this thing down. Brady could be a good backup tackle for depth.
  17. Man theres is always somebody lol
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