I'm with it. I get parsons and reddick vibes from him anyway. And he would be the safest pick out of the edge rushers we are looking at. You know this guy is gonna fly around the field hands down. I would look at drafting a more prototypical DE in the 2nd round next.
I agree on Graham, what he does best doesn't take over games in the nfl and that was with him playing on a stacked defense. People didn't want to draft derrick brown because he wasn't Aaron Donald so I don't know how thats any different for Graham.
I dont want no parts of a drake London level receiver and can't understand why would we after just drafting a receiver in the first round. I could understand if we didn't have a poo ton of needs elsewhere but this is how you stay an irrelevant franchise.
Cool....Everybody in this draft is a stretch outside of 3 players. So you evaluate, see who fits you the best, and pick because it still has to be done.