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  • Birthday 11/28/1985

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  1. Still can draft better in the later rounds then the previous gms could.
  2. Ricky white - Wr Danny Stutsman - LB Malachi moore - safety
  3. The eagles run game carried their offense way more than their receivers did this year.
  4. I thought it wasn't all about the stats?
  5. I dont think jackson makes it to our pick in the second. But i would love for it to play out like this.
  6. Jalen carter in the first and Smith in the second. Thats the kinda draft I want us to have.
  7. I have been saying i would seriously consider going DE rounds 1 and 2. Plenty of good skill position players will be available later in this draft. If you can get a consistent pass rush on the defense you can fix a lot of issuses. The best guys in this draft we be gone by round 3
  8. Landon jackson wont make it to our pick in the second. Thats the problem with waiting.
  9. Nope...dont remember that at all.
  10. Ah yes...garbage points and stats. Don't we know a lot about that.
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