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Everything posted by Hawk

  1. pssst....you are supposed to put outgoing messages in other people's profiles...not your own! Just trying to help!!!! and no gun...my caulk only needs a holster!

  2. I've been told your trouble?!! Thats a good thing...welcome aboard!

  3. Thanks bro...Happy New Year to you as well...I hope our paths get to cross some day!

  4. so far, so good!!!

  5. hahahahaha....we aren't gonna get along at all, I can tell!!!!!!

  6. I'm more than a friend...I'm one of Bo's secret lovers...please don't tell anyone!

  7. welcome aboard!!!

  8. Hawk

    sneak in....haven't you heard, I'm the new owner!

  9. oh good lord no!!! One of me with you...score...one of my ass....no score!

  10. do you think you need to? I suppose something would be better than nothing right? Is it a fat pic, or a phat pic?

  11. imgine the profile pics we'd get then!!!!

  12. hey bro...hope all is well with you and your girls. Happy Thanksgiving!

  13. well...if you call being at work at 4:45 celebrating...then ya, I guess!!! I was happy for all of you but I did no celebrating!

  14. thats....we don't call it anything...our Thanksgiving is in October!!!

  15. WTF? shove it in your dirty hole!

  16. thanks...and nice to see you back!

  17. Its ok MB...we'll all learn the new tricks and stuff and then it will be just like the old huddle.

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