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About Montie_0123

  • Birthday 06/19/1982

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  1. I like, I think with the moves they made with the Dline Horn and His INT numbers should go up.
  2. I’m thinking the same thing if he can score that as a rookie 19 year old. It would be an add bonus.
  3. The team very well might have drafted another solid 1st round pick. Back to back solid games from the rookie in the time given.
  4. I would not be surprised if he’s cut, everything points to him being maxed out on talent.
  5. No and I’m very disappointed he hasn’t shown growth or consistency with getting pressure.
  6. I’m game if he is given another chance he did make something out of nothing while with them.
  7. He’s definitely easing my comforts when he lines up to kick. If he finishes the season strong he will get a new contract.
  8. I agree at this point because this version of the OL is not working!!
  9. A classic write up like always thanks for the pictures as well.
  10. Great job as always thank you for the photos along with the write up.
  11. I'm glad he back to his nickname, Philly Brown played well for us. Corey Brown dropped almost everything in sight lol.
  12. I'm hoping he has a break out year or Frank.
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