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About Mr.Ponche

  • Birthday 06/02/1972

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  1. You only selling them both at once or could I buy one?

    1. Mr.Ponche


      Let me see who else asks for a single before I answer that,maybe. Obviously would be easier to sell both at once.

    2. Sam Mills Fan

      Sam Mills Fan

      I completely understand! If all else fails, I'm looking for just 1 so you have that guaranteed at least. Good luck.

  2. Old ass Harper refuses to make contact head on. Should of stopped Bradford fir a loss.
  3. I bought the pants from Dick's Sports.They came with pads in them. I had a seamstress put the stripes on.Then I hot-glued the panther logos ,I cut out of a couple old hats I no longer wear, on the sides. Disclaimer;no babies were hurt in the making of this picture!

  4. ahahaha that's an awesome pic

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