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Posts posted by Newtcase

  1. The thing that pisses me off the most is if Bryce were the character guy he sells himself as he would bench himself!  How he can continue to impact 52 other players livelihood and be ok with that is astounding.


    Fake an effin injury and put us all out of our misery.  Please to the god that you have confidence in.

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  2. 1 minute ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Bryce is different because it's very rare for a high pick to flip because he simply looks like he physically doesn't belong on an NFL field. Top picks usually have the physical tools. Their failure usually comes down to not being able to mentally process well enough or being too cocky to put in the work or off the field stuff or whatever but it is very rarely because they prove to be physically grossly overmatched. That stuff is actually fairly easy to see on the college tape.

    Bryce honestly should've been a mid round pick. I said leading up to the draft that he looked like a 3rd or 4th round type pick where someone would roll the dice on a really good college player that probably won't translate in the off chance that he does.

    Wish you were on the scout team LG!

  3. Too many people too often falling back to his college tape.  



    If college tape were the holy grail of talent evaluation no one would miss on a draft pick ever.


    The best anyone can actually hope for is a qualified individual projecting that player to the NFL.  The reality is every defender is a step or more quicker than college.  Every mistake is punished harshly.  Every team, even the bad ones are exponentially better than anything anyone ever faced in college.


    Can we please put to rest anything Bryce did in college as any indicator of what he should be doing now?  He’s far from the first player to be misjudged, he sucks donkey balls.  Generally it’s easy to admit and move along, Bryce is only sticky because of his price tag.

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Captroop said:

    Don't wish that juju on us. I hope we at least have one bit of consistency to build on. 

    We gave up on Darnold and Baker too soon. Clearly. At a certain point we have to stop throwing away all our talent because of short term frustrations. the only thing worse than a bad team is a turbulent bad team. Stay the course in one area at least, and coaching is a good place to invest in. 

    Sadly the one thing they’ve stuck with the hardest is the one thing they should have given up on the quickest.

  5. 9 hours ago, Bear Hands said:

    Mater Dei was so strategic on his family's behalf, he commuted there from Pasadena every day.  That was so brutal they probably took the 210 east to the 57 south to get there.  

    When I lived out there, I had a few construction sites I managed at Caltech and also down near Costa Mesa.  I hated that drive so much...flames...on the side of my face...

    It’s a shame this post won’t get the attention it deserves.

  6. 29 minutes ago, Mage said:

    The reason he went to Alabama and "not some random school like Kansas" is because he earned it.  

    Bryce played high school ball at Mater Dei in Santa Ana, CA.  He was in a nationally recognized prep program from the age of 14 all he had to do was play the part.  Mater Dei, like Alabama is generally far superior to any competition they line up against.  In four years starting there Bryce only lost three games total.  Alabama was much the same story where Bryce only lost four games total in two years starting.

    Point being from the time he was a freshman in high school until the time he was drafted #1 overall Bryce Young had only lost 7 total games.  Regardless of you feel about his play one thing is certain, he rarely if ever faced and adversity or played competition better than what he had to work with.  The NFL has exposed Bryce, it's the first time his side of the ball wasn't just better than the other side.

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  7. 1 hour ago, uncfan888 said:

    Bryce's dawg

    Puppy Pug GIF

    I remembering cringing when I watched this on Panther's blueprints.  Morgan casually sending "dawgs" as a sound bite.  Seems like everything with this team is lip service.

    Interesting from 20:31, dawgs remark @ 20:51


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  8. 15 hours ago, Xtreme said:

    The only benefit to keep playing him is to boost his value. It won't be much but it could decent enough to trade him for a 6th MAYBE a 5th. 

    The best part is we're not even done paying for him yet.  We still owe the Bears next year's second round pick, which will likely be the first pick in the 2nd round.

  9. 30 minutes ago, Basbear said:

    Bama had the same 6 5" 330 dudes in front of him. Hes playing like those bama games never happen and he just stepped onto a football. The one thing that got him drafted, seems to be the main issue-mentally he looked shocked. 

    Bryce’s inaccuracy didn’t matter at Bama because his team was infinitely better than most opponents.  He could just chuck it and it would work out.  In the NFL the windows are tight and no imposters survive for long.

    I’ll say it again, go watch his last game against LSU, it looks just like his pro performances and LSU was just on par with Bama that year.  Certainly not a NFL caliber defense.  

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  10. It really doesn't matter, we haven't been able to develop talent for years.  We get the bare minimum out of players.  When that bare minimum is enough to create market value they move out for another team at which point they generally perform even better under real coaching.  

    There's no culture or tenured leadership in the building and it affects everything.  No one looks around the room and feels certain they'll even be together next year or that the message they're being sold will even last half a season.

    The real thing we should be hoping for is for better leadership.  Until we get that the players might as well be nameless faces shoveling sand in a turnstile factory.

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