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Posts posted by Newtcase

  1. Their relationship is really cool and it will be a great day for them to play each other in the pros this Sunday.  Hey look Ma I made it moment.

    Otherwise, these comments say more about CJ than they do about Bryce.  He can be trusted in front of a microphone, especially when asked about his lifetime friend.  I imagine you'd have a hard time getting a negative word from CJ about any QB or player in the league tbh.  He'll find the positive thing to say.  All that means to me is I'll continue to be my own judge on BY9.

    • Beer 1
  2. 15 minutes ago, SmokinwithWilly said:

    We had in our possession a 23' 1st round pick (9) and a 24' 1st round pick. Now we don't. Where did they go? 

    We had to give away our rights to them in order to acquire the rights to Chicago's pick 1. Call it an exchange or a swap or whatever you want. Saying that we gave up our rights to our 23' 1st round pick as part of a package to acquire pick 1 is  100% factually correct. 

    I think you just have to give up on this if the message hasn't been received.  Perhaps it would help if you just called it "cost" as in part of what we "paid" for Bryce instead of what we traded.  Scot just isn't connecting the dots and its painful to observe.

    • Pie 2
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  3. Article was titled "How to move forward" but the content was really more about the state of the team and diagnosis of problems save any criticism about how underwhelming BY9 has played.  A speculative comment regarding a potential WR transaction could have been paired with trade speculation to keep all the lazy narratives cleanly organized.

    However, the article failed to address it's own question in my opinion.  The Panthers move forward by accepting that the team's goals are no longer the typical goals of a NFL team, if they ever were to be honest.  Our enduring purpose this season is to determine who on this team and staff are part of the future.  That could be expanded upon in terms of what reasonable expectations are for the players, coaches, front office and organization as whole.  Hell even throw in what we as fans can hope and cheer for in the fog of a lost season.  That's how we move foward, by looking forward.  The only real value of this season is how much we can learn from it.


    • Pie 1
  4. Just now, *FreeFua* said:

    I mean you literally said “where’s the nfl tape? I’ll wait…”

    Well there it is 

    You haven't bothered to read the thread, his TWO completions are acknowledged.  The threshold for success in my eyes is higher than two completions, both just barely beyond 20 yards mind you.  You're grasping at straws, personally attacking me and trying to characterize my discussion as rage.  

    You're incapable of intelligent discussion so I'll waste no further time interacting with you.  The ignore list grows and I'll happily never see a post you make again.

  5. 1 minute ago, *FreeFua* said:

    And by this definition the ball he threw to Mingo in week 2 went over 20 yards from the LOS. So…

    Yeah I can't make you have reasonable evaluations.  Bryce has completed 2 passes beyond 20 yards in five games.  That information is well established.  

  6. 7 minutes ago, *FreeFua* said:


    Then this is a good example. 3 step drop and ball is out. 

    Cool, read the thread.  He isn't at Alabama anymore, he's in the NFL.  One defensive player from Tennessee in that clip is in the NFL.  College tape gets you drafted, NFL tape keeps you in the league.  Where's the NFL tape?  I'll wait.....and all I'll see is apologies, excuses and more Alabama bullshit because he isn't performing in the NFL to this point.

  7. 3 minutes ago, *FreeFua* said:

    The ball he throws to Isiah Bond for 30 against Tennessee in the 1st quarter is a gorgeous throw. Not sure what everyone’s definition of “deep” is but it’s a really nice throw


    Personally I'd consider anything beyond 20 yards from the line of scrimmage as a deep shot.

  8. 17 minutes ago, *FreeFua* said:

    Some of you Bryce supporters are posting some of the worst examples of him throwing deep 

    You're not lying.  The first video, pro day Bryce doesn't even connect on the one deep pass at 1:31.  The ball is overthrown, receiver tries to stretch out for it but can only get fingertips on it.  Analyst calls it a dime, lmao, that dude is on the payroll.  I mean c'mon, you miss your only pro day deep shot long without a defense on the field?  How many times was that practiced in an empty gym?

    Second video, our dude says 45 yards with ease.  LMAO.  The ball is snapped from the 6 yard line and caught at the 40 yard line which is a 34 yard completion.  Our OP wants to rewrite the rules of passing charts to include the yardage of Bryce's drop back instead where it's snapped from.  I'm sure our white knight OP will be like, but dude it was over 45 in the physical air, like you morons can't tell the difference between physical distance and charted distance???  NVM that logic would move the sliding scale for all quarterbacks and the relative distance between Bryce and normal would be the same. It's all quite hilarious.

    • Beer 1
  9. 6 minutes ago, SmokinwithWilly said:

    There are 100s of college players every year that did it in college effectively that watch their career end there. Just because you did it then, doesn't mean you can do it now. 

    The premium, not elite, guys he competed against in college are now JAG on NFL teams if they made them at all. Most of the defenders can't make an NFL practice squad. He also played behind one of the best olines in college. The margin for difference and the NFL is much smaller. 

    That's not saying BY can or cannot throw the deep ball effectively. JaMarcus Russell could throw 70 yards. He couldn't do it accurately in the NFL. 

    Time will tell if BY can throw an accurate deep ball. To this point in time, he has not done that effectively. Whether that's play calling, clean pocket, open receivers, not being able to see over linemen, whatever, it's not being done yet. 

    I don't give a poo about whether he has the physical ability to throw 50 yards. High school QBs can do that. I only care about can he do it at the NFL level against NFL defenses with consistency and we don't have that answer yet. 

    Take your pie.

  10. 1 minute ago, CamWhoaaCam said:

    It's funny because they don't need to tank we are so bad we will get them the #1 pick regardless.

    They're getting #1 and #2.  While it's probably Williams + Harrison Jr.  it would be kind of hilarious if they took Williams and Maye.

    • Pie 1
  11. On 10/16/2023 at 8:46 PM, Frank9999 said:

    Will be our coach next season. It just makes too much sense, you cant risk losing a young offensive minded coach who can grow with a franchise qb. If Brown has success with the offense and developing Bryce hes HC next year. 

    Sean McDermott should be the example here.  We were one year late letting Rivera walk.  McDermott was a rising star, Tepper was a new owner, Rivera still had recent credentials even though cracks were forming.  We could have promoted from within and had the coach youth infusion every team is pining for.  Instead Buffalo is Buffalo and Carolina is whatever the fug Carolina is.  

    Brown or Evero are both candidates IMO.  There should be a fair microscope on both of these young hungry coaches.  Don’t let the answer walk out the door again.  There isn’t a better interview than a full season or longer in the buidling.

  12. This reminds me of a study in perceived cognitive decline due to hearing impairment.  Essentially, hearing impairment causes the subject to exert more cognitive energy to the simple task of actually hearing something than the effortless capture of the same information without impairment.  This difference in expenditure appears to be a cognitive deficiency when in fact it’s a physical deficiency.

    As Panthers fans even considering the possibility of “winning out”…we are the impaired.  We’ve spent so much energy just to hear the conversation that we look stupid.

  13. 3 minutes ago, WUnderhill said:

    There were also reports of Dalton requesting more deep balls. I think part of the “training wheels” for Young is simply trying to avoid him becoming the next David Carr cautionary tale behind this horrendous OL. It makes sense that they would allow Dalton to take more risks, and he got hit A LOT that game for his troubles which nobody is bringing up.

    Dalton is a compass for Bryce, that’s his only purpose.  Showing the kid what he should be doing.  If Bryce gets hurt his purpose changes.  I don’t think it’s a leap of faith that a veteran staff asked a veteran player to show the kid what was possible.  As far as the lip service to the media, c’mon dude.  Coach speak ain’t new, of course Reich is going to give the softest possible landing for Bryce.  What do you expect him to say? Dalton is just better?  

    • Pie 3
  14. 1 minute ago, top dawg said:

    Even a couple of analysts said that it looked like Reich gave Dalton a different playbook than Bryce. 

    More than a few have said that Reich needs to take the training wheels off Young.

    I think that we'll get a lot of answers as to who is right and who is wrong by season's end. But questions will begin to be answered once Brown opens up his playbook.


    Agreed.  It’s hard to really assess the truth in this though as Bryce has options on multiple depths on nearly every play.  He also has changed the play at the line A LOT.  We cannot know if it’s really on Bryce or play calling.  We can know the play calling is more expansive than Bryce’s production though, because we’ve actually seen that.  Again this is reality vs conjecture.  I’m really only interested in discussing what we can KNOW by OBSERVATION.  Anything else is a theory at best, often put out by talking heads who get paid to entertain us with theory crafting.

    I do completely agree only time can reveal the whole truth.  Until said truth reveals itself I’ll be discussing actual events with level headed people interested in doing the same.

  15. This all annoying to me because I just want to discuss what we’re seeing week to week.  But too many posters here want to weave the imaginary into the conversation as if it were an equal to reality.  I’m no BY hater.  If he does well I’ll cheer and hope for more and talk about it.  If he plays suspect I’m going to talk about that.  I’m just tired of talking in paradigms about shoulda/coulda/woulda. 

    • Pie 1
    • Beer 1
  16. 9 minutes ago, top dawg said:

    Unlike you Young bashers, I'm not afraid to admit anything. Young has looked skiddish out there, but it's not because he can't throw deep, it's because he's a rookie whose head is still spinning and who needs to learn and adjust to the speed of the game. The play calling hasn't done him (or any of our guys) any favors really. The protection hasn't been the greatest, which is also causing him to run around like a chicken with its head chopped off, and that's also made Bryce gun shy and prone to some dumb mistakes. He's made some mistakes from the beginning, like throwing two INTs in basically the same fashion to the same guy, and trying to get away instead of chucking the ball out of bounds, and I'm sure that hasn't helped his confidence either. There's more, but with all that, he seems to be getting more comfortable, protecting the ball better and slowly learning what he can and can't get away with at this level. With more experience, line play and schemes to get other receivers more involved, hopefully we'll see more improvement.

    I respect this response and don't disagree with you at all.  You can check my post history.  I have praised the progress I saw from Young against Miami early.  I'm just not going to pretend like he's doing things he hasn't.

    • Pie 1
  17. 12 minutes ago, Loyalty4Life said:

    Then at least give me a link.  Can you do that.  I've asked Google.  I've asked Bing.  I even asked Santa Claus.

    Tell me why he doesn't have the ability to throw deep.  Tell me why he has only attempted 1 pass over 30 yards.  That's why I can't show you him doing in the NFL.  He's has barely attempted it. 


    So the most direct answer is he isn't attempting to throw shots very often.  He's only attempted 7 passes beyond 20 air yards and he's only completed two of those.  

    I know all you apologist want to blame coaching, play calling and our receivers for his lack of deep shots.  So when its pointed out to you that Dalton went of 5 of 7 on such throws in week 3 with the same staff, line, and receivers you all just act like Seattle is a high school defense.  While still conveniently dismissing that Minnesota was a shitty defense that we played at home as well.  

    Beyond that, great resources have looked at the 7 deep shots Bryce has taken and concluded that he isn't even giving his receivers a chance. I could make clips, but it's already there, again by sources more reputable than me.

    You're just a lazy apologist with no real excuse for why Bryce can't complete a downfield pass so you defend your defenseless position by shifting the burden of proof to someone else knowing they don't want to waste their time arguing with your ignorant ass.

    Mic drop and you're blocked.

    • Pie 1
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    • The D 1
  18. 2 minutes ago, Loyalty4Life said:

    I've backed up what I say with actual evidence and theories and conjecture based in logic and previous facts.  Yes, that is my game and it's also the game and anyone that wants to add validity to their argument.  

    I've shown you pockets that were not clean on deep balls.  Show me some actual evidence where he had a clean pocket and overthrew his receiver.  I can show you numerous clips of him doing it but they were in college so I don't think you'll accept them.  

    I actually worry that he has not done it but it's not hard to see the he has the ability to do it and using a bit of conjecture based on very similar and parallel situations, ie college, that he'll do it in the NFL.  We are not talking about reading defenses or something that is drastically different in college than in the NFL. 

    I'll fully agree that he's had clean pocket with openish WR downfield that he didn't attempt to throw deep to and again I'd look at those situation and ask why.

    All you guys want to do is accerte something is true or fact and then made up a reason why you can't be bothered to actually show or point to any evidence.  You stand on invisible facts and evidence that is so easy to find that you can't be bothered to share any of it.

    My god dude.  I can’t even read your nonsense anymore nor would I bother to produce the content you so desperately want when it’s already been produced by more reputable sources than me.  Nor do I feel bothered to do so by default when I haven’t made any claims that are untrue.  It’d be far easier for you to produce a single NFL deep completion, but you cannot.

    I’d like you to prove you’re not related to Bryce Young.

    • Beer 1
  19. 4 minutes ago, top dawg said:

    You obviously don't understand the concept of suspect coaching, awful play calling and a porous line having a limiting effect. No context whatsoever.

    This is just lazy.  Very lazy tbh.  I won’t disagree that we have issues everywhere including coaching, calling, protection, route trees and game planning.  The crazy thing is it’s impossible for you to admit that at least some of the time Bryce IS the issue.  His inability to complete a single deep shot is a FUGGING issue.  Defenses don’t have to play us honest and it compromises everything.  I don’t have to break down tape, there are experts already doing that.  The same thing is being exposed every game…Bryce very rarely attempts a deep shot and it’s becoming apparent why…In the end I’ll happily stand on my comments because I’m basing them on actual events instead of imagined abilities.

    • Pie 1
  20. 2 minutes ago, Loyalty4Life said:

    Tell me why?  Please for the love of god, tell me why he has not done it?

    Why, why, why, why, why??  Pretty please.  Humor me and explain it to me like I have above average intelligence.

    I’m not going to debate the whys with someone that’ll just rebut with theories and conjecture.  I know your game.  I’ll just stand on the facts of the matter.  He hasn’t done it, not once.  He’s had clean pockets, he’s had open receivers.  The evidence is already out there and easy to find.  He hasn’t shown any accuracy on his deep passes under any circumstance.  This is just the way it is.

    • Pie 1
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  21. 2 minutes ago, top dawg said:

    What does Jim Rome say? Don't confuse not having done something with not having the ability to do it.

    Who gives a fug what Jim Rome says?  We’re 0-6 with a #1 draft pick that you clowns can’t produce a single deep shot clip from.  I’m sure he’ll throw one eventually and it’ll be hilarious watching you guys high five each other as we lose another game by three touchdowns.

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