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Everything posted by Newtcase

  1. Didn't Jensen come in when Mays left the Titans game? Is there anyone behind Jensen?
  2. This same front office traded up to draft Matt Corral just one year prior. Sam Howell and Brock Purdy were still eating cheetos. Just because you think you drafted the guy doesn't mean you drafted the guy.
  3. The narrative really changed after the S2 test results were leaked. The test didn't even have credibility. Credibility was inferred because CJ's results were so bad it looked like he had a mental disability. I think we were leaning Young but still split until that story broke, creating enough doubt to cement Bryce as the pick. No one will ever pay attention to the S2 again. However, wait a few years and you can probably sell the Panthers, Browns or Jets the all new S3 with brand new shapes to put in round holes!
  4. If you were tasked with beating Usain Bolt in a foot race would it matter who your coach was?
  5. Edit: Honestly not worth the effort.
  6. What is this? Stop being foolish. Any outcome other than converting ends the game. I expect more from you than some lazy attempt at being witty, add to the conversation or just ignore my posts.
  7. This is a fair reason for Dalton to see a few more starts. Some say you can’t evaluate Bryce with this team, I say you can evaluate this team or staff with Bryce. The knife cuts both ways. A few Dalton starts would provide some much needed clarity before chopping more heads.
  8. Well it certainly couldn’t have been any worse, so there’s a bit of credibility here.
  9. We’re always a step behind. Paying that fat contract one year too late, shipping a player one year too soon, trading when we shouldn’t and holding when we shouldn’t. We have to be a laughing stock across the league. Every team is always looking to see how they can fleece us. Then Fitts says “in on every deal” and the collective chuckle caused a butterfly effect tsunami in Asia somewhere. We’re a joke, in fact we’re not even good at being a joke….we’re a bad joke.
  10. I watched because days like this will make it all the sweeter when we contend again. The suffering is an investment.
  11. Fitts is Stockton Rush and the Panthers are the Titan submersible. That's how swift the implosion has been. Hard to believe we were within one win of taking the division last year. If it's not rock bottom it's only because we're still sinking.
  12. I don’t do make believes at all. I just discuss reality. I’ll leave it to you geniuses to debate the unknowable. BTW you’re now on your 3rd argument. You are so pointless.
  13. Well you said you wished Carolina could have 150 yards rushing in a way that implied if Bryce got run support then the story might be different. So I simply gave you the evidence that the lack of run support over the season has been equally bad in most respects. Typically, a poster like you abandons their original argument and makes a new one, this time about Bryce helping his own rushing stats. So dumb and lazy…Bryce has 135 yards rushing against CJs 78. I’m sure you’ll convince yourself those 57 yards tell a hidden story only you can see.
  14. It was their 4th game with over 100 yards rushing, the same number the Panthers have had.
  15. Yeah, well put em both in a S2 test booth and see who comes out on top!
  16. If you have the paid version then Dall-e 3 is built into ChatGPT 4 and you can do images on mobile. Otherwise, the current free version would be Dall-e 2 on desktop. The Easter egg is spread is misspelled! The “art” in that is that the Panthers couldn’t even get the banner right!
  17. Chat GPT Dall-E. There’s an Easter egg in this one! Can you find it?
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